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A Job

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14 comments, last by Fredric 24 years, 3 months ago
Web page design is an interesting field -- there are a number of tools out there (Dreamweaver being the absolute best of them), and knowing HTML and possibly some CGI stuff is a must. However, things such as Web Page Generators suck because they take the entire design aspect out and make everything look exactly the same, which most companies don''t want (which is why they pay gobs of money for these designers)... so, trust me, a good web page designer will never be replaced by a program (though I suggest using something like Dreamweaver that supports templates to drastically improve your productivity)

As for jobs, if you''ll be 16 any time soon, I suggest that you look for any military bases in your area. At 16, I was making 10 bucks an hour in 1991 for handling baggage... This may not seem like a lot. However, it was worth much more back then, and I''m sure it''s quite a bit more now.


Chris Rouillard
Software Engineer
---<<>>--- Chris Rouillard Software Engineercrouilla@hotmail.com
Why don''t you get more physical job? Like cleaner in McDonald''s or Teleseller, perhaps you could get job from local factory too. You know, these physical jobs are good counterbalance for sitting and playing games. It is easy to get job as cleaner if you don''t expect too much or you aren'' too dandy.

Also easiest way to make money is dealing drugs, but drugs are bad okay?

Time comes, time goes and I only am.
Wow, I'm getting some awesome input (scratch the crack about the drugs one though- I have a very strong opinion about drugs). I think I'll go for a web-page designer or work at some local burger place. Both of those jobs would be cool!
As for a telemarketer- I couldn't really be one of those. I have a lisp that doesn't allow me to produce my R's right at all- the come out as W's. So, I'd be like, "Hello Mistew Wichawdson, how awe you doing today?" Hehe... (extremely embarrassing- but you're all cool here, I'll handle your comments and insults! ) I would sound like a kid, even though I have a rather deep throat (yes, even at 15!). Thanks for all the input- I'm interested in reading anyone else's comments as well!

Programming::~Fredric(const Annoy_Ance)

Edited by - Fredric on 4/5/00 3:47:19 PM
3D Math- The type of mathematics that'll put hair on your chest!
Hey! i''m an aspiring programmer too, i''m a 16 year old student doing studies in Computing,Maths and the media amongst other things. I''m hoping to work at one of the large british developers like Rare, although I recognise that nowadays you need qualifications to enter this feild of work. The dev team that made Goldeye came straight from university which is what I hope to do, after taking one of the more recent degrees in games proggraming. I have been programming since i was small on my BBC, but seriously moved onto Qbasic, Visual Basic and now Visual C++. I have only just started c++ but it doesn''t seem too difficult. Does anyone know how long it takes to become proficient(good)at c++ and any tips for cracking the industry?

Oh and to fWedWic(sorry) or anyone else for that matter, want to help me with dev teamwork by joining forces?
If you want a job in web design then contact my mate Rob Chilver at his new internet business www.tfeonline.com he wants me to create some games for the site but i don''t know java - And need to research finer points on vbcript. I made his new logo which should be on the site soon.

Oh yeah and I do some course in Cisco routing, CCNA and if anyone wants to check out our UNOFFICIAL class homepage then visit www.geocities.com/double_egg the password is EGG.

BTW/ HTML is so easy to pick up it doesn''t deserve to be called a programming language.
Live Long and use the force; for in space the truth is out they killed Koholint :>
Go to "www.xgames3d.com". They have a section called "Publishing". Check it out, it may be the answer to your question!

- DarkMage139
- DarkMage139
F U S T R A T I O N ! ! ! !

The place where I access the internet uses IGEAR, and access to that site is denied.

Could you email me the stuff, DarkMage139 using the email address: A255@philipmorant.essex.sch.uk

btw/ The double_egg site is currently being moved to www.tfeonline.com/ incase certain teachers find it!

Live Long and use the force; for in space the truth is out they killed Koholint :>

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