DInput Error when Aquireing input
Because i didn''t get real help in the dx forum I''ll try it here:
I use the same DInput Code as the OpenGL Game Programming book.
My dInput class is a member of my enginge class wich is part of my OGLWindow class (dc and that stuff are the same)
but when I call the Function to Acquire my stuff my app crashes.
with Unhandelt Exeption and an Acess violation.
What could be the prob??
I also had this problem... the solution is very simple!
You must load/create the inputclass before you create the window. Because, i think it is so, in winpro there is an entry appactive or so and there the inputclass ac. or unac. all inputdevices. So only create the Inputclass (CInput * Input = newCInput(MOUSE|KEYBOARD) or what else) before you create the window (hwnd = .....)
Greets, Austrian Coder
You must load/create the inputclass before you create the window. Because, i think it is so, in winpro there is an entry appactive or so and there the inputclass ac. or unac. all inputdevices. So only create the Inputclass (CInput * Input = newCInput(MOUSE|KEYBOARD) or what else) before you create the window (hwnd = .....)
Greets, Austrian Coder
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