
texture OpenGL surface with Mpeg4 movie?

Started by August 21, 2002 04:19 PM
1 comment, last by razilon 22 years, 6 months ago
Hi, Does anyone have any sample code or suggestions for how to go about texturing an OpenGL surface with an Mpeg4 movie? Any clues you could offer would be greatly appreciated. I have never done any work with using a movie on an OpenGL surface or merging DirectShow with OpenGL. Hints on any or all of this process would be great. Thanks
Cek NeHe''s code on Video Texture. It looks like that you can easily open a DivX;-) video there and it will run just fine. NeHe''s code loads the Video using standard Windows API and it looks like that Windows manages all the decompression thing for you. If the AVI is playable using Media Player then it would likely to appear using NeHe''s code.

Hope it helps.
Help me with my Isometric OpenGL engine.
I tryed doing this with an mpeg. I went threw nehe''s code line by line and the way his avi loading works is it gets each frame and puts it on the cube. That is the way the avi api works. The win api for mpeg dosnt seem to work like that. One way of doing this would be threw mciSendString and if you could get the hwnd of the cube. That seems impossible since OpenGL was written for X11 systems. I dont think that will work though. The other way is to find an api that will load the mpeg and send the image frame by frame to you so you can put it on the cube. If you want to look at my Media Engine, NuclearMedia, that plays all types of media(audio and video) threw mciSendString goto

Hope this helps :/
--------------------------Nukemmsn: nukem996@hotmail.comaim: nukem996open source open mind

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