
Whats wron when my RC and DC can'T be released??

Started by August 21, 2002 05:11 AM
1 comment, last by glnefugio 22 years, 6 months ago
My has been working for some time and as I went today to go on with it, I first compiled to see how far i was. but as I closed the window the MessageBox with the RC and DC release Error occured. But the window has been closed whats wrong?? is it dangerous when something like that happens?? (I mean for example when some one else runs my app on his system!?) Thanks anyway!
That has been happening to me when I was renerding the terrain, but instead it gave me 0x0000005 errors. So, I simply tried to avoid rendering them until I figured out why it happens. I think it happens because of when you are rendering something, you can''t exit program (in some instances).
I may be wrong.

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you won''t be able to release the DC if you don''t listen for the WM_CLOSE windows message... As windows will go ahead and kill the window it''self...

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