Linux (in game programming)
I was wondering -- if it is one''s goal to program/design games, are there certain advantages to using Linux? It appears that most games are built for the Windows OS, so attempting to create games in a Linux environment would seem to be more of a hinderance than anything.
I was reading through some of the older threads, and one individual had told another to check a website for one of the big-time game developers for Linux. When I went to that site, the main page consisted of a letter letting all the company''s fans know that they were going out of business.
Basically, I would just like to know if it would be worth my time (both in the short and long-term) to do some programming work under the Linux OS. Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Well, if you''re interested in learning OpenGL I don''t see why not. You''ll probably also have to learn the X API, if you want to use X for windowing.
Now, I''m a moderate linux advocate and use Debian full-time on my PC, but I would not suggest that you switch from Win32 game development to Linux development unless you have a really good reason. Linux does offer a really nice dev environment, but developing games only for linux, or developing games in linux to be used in windows, isn''t really worth it. However, I would suggest that you look into APIs like SDL and OpenGL that will allow your programs to remain relatively cross-platform. That way it will be pretty easy to port your application to linux, mac, or whatever else. No reason to limit yourself to one platform.
As for gaining a familiarity with linux programming; I say go for it. It will broaden your computing horizons if nothing else (now I sound like a High School counsellor
). A little familiarity with UNIX-like OSes is healthy, too. However, if you''re going to do it, make sure you really learn what linux is all about. Far too often people use it for a week then complain about things that aren''t really issues. Meh.. anyway, at least learn why "X is ugly" is a really dumb statement
On a related note, I think some console game studios use linux desktops to develop games for things like the PS2 or GC, so using linux to develop things to be run on another platform isn''t an impossibility. I''m not 100% sure though, so don''t quote me on that.
Now... how long until nes8bit pipes in with his usual omg lunix=commie BS? :rolleyes:
As for gaining a familiarity with linux programming; I say go for it. It will broaden your computing horizons if nothing else (now I sound like a High School counsellor

On a related note, I think some console game studios use linux desktops to develop games for things like the PS2 or GC, so using linux to develop things to be run on another platform isn''t an impossibility. I''m not 100% sure though, so don''t quote me on that.
Now... how long until nes8bit pipes in with his usual omg lunix=commie BS? :rolleyes:
If you are interested in selling your game, then sadly it is probably best to make it for windows. If your makeing a game for fun or to give it away for free, then there is no reason not to go for Linux.
I do all my development work on Linux, although I do plan to port to windows at some time. There are planty of decent compilers and tools available. The biggest problem I have had is finding a debugger I can get the hang of!
To be perfectly honest, the main reason I develop for linux is I agree with its principles, and my engine is also GPL so it makes sense. But there is no real reason not to go for Linux if your not planning to sell your game.
I do all my development work on Linux, although I do plan to port to windows at some time. There are planty of decent compilers and tools available. The biggest problem I have had is finding a debugger I can get the hang of!
To be perfectly honest, the main reason I develop for linux is I agree with its principles, and my engine is also GPL so it makes sense. But there is no real reason not to go for Linux if your not planning to sell your game.
August 20, 2002 03:44 PM
well, if you use stuff like DevIL, SDL, and OpenGL all together... u can EASILY write stuff for linux/windows/Mac at the same time... cuz they are all cross platform!
if you learn Microsoft''s MS only stuff... well, we all know how MS likes to alienate itself and try to monopolize everything!
anyway, advantages: CVS is a good program to use if you have a big team. Make files are good too. Free tools!! don''t have to shell out $1000 for windows+visual studios+other bloated software. Also, you can''t trust Microsoft... and it''s VC++ is not ANSI C++ compatible.
Oh and btw, if you''re looking for a linux ide, try KATE (KDE''s advanced text editor)... beautiful!
if you learn Microsoft''s MS only stuff... well, we all know how MS likes to alienate itself and try to monopolize everything!
anyway, advantages: CVS is a good program to use if you have a big team. Make files are good too. Free tools!! don''t have to shell out $1000 for windows+visual studios+other bloated software. Also, you can''t trust Microsoft... and it''s VC++ is not ANSI C++ compatible.
Oh and btw, if you''re looking for a linux ide, try KATE (KDE''s advanced text editor)... beautiful!
While I don''t like to make individuals out to be more than they are, John Carmack himself I believe said that the Linux market can be completely ignored and it wouldn''t hurt any game company financially.
That said, the Linux market for games is small. That means that right now, if you make a game for Linux, any gamers for Linux that don''t mind non-GPLed games will most likely buy your product (very simple model, not taking into account piracy, etc). Eventually if more people develop games, a larger Linux gaming market will also develop.
I say, develop for Linux. It needs more games anyway.
In the future, when many expect it to have a larger base of users, it might pay off for you.
Or it could be just a really popular fad that might disappear with time, but hey, you can learn good computing principles that would help with Windows anyway.
That said, the Linux market for games is small. That means that right now, if you make a game for Linux, any gamers for Linux that don''t mind non-GPLed games will most likely buy your product (very simple model, not taking into account piracy, etc). Eventually if more people develop games, a larger Linux gaming market will also develop.
I say, develop for Linux. It needs more games anyway.
In the future, when many expect it to have a larger base of users, it might pay off for you.
Or it could be just a really popular fad that might disappear with time, but hey, you can learn good computing principles that would help with Windows anyway.
-------------------------GBGames' Blog: An Indie Game Developer's Somewhat Interesting ThoughtsStaff Reviewer for Game Tunnel
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