
Graphics help

Started by August 20, 2002 06:25 AM
1 comment, last by computerguy867 22 years, 6 months ago
I am using photoshop to make 8 bit bitmaps for an 8bit game. The problem is when I save the image as an 8 bit and try to use it in the program it doesnt run. However when I make the image in ms paint it works fine. Is photoshop doing something weird to the file? How can I fix this?
What file format are you using? BMP? Maybe your image loader doesn't handle all 8-bit BMP files properly, just the mspaint versions.

Also, you need to be more specific about what errors you're getting.

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[edited by - siaspete on August 20, 2002 7:36:41 AM]
It''s the problme that Photoshop saves the biSize as 0, always.
So you have to claculate it by your own to get it right (biWidht * biHeight).

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