
Probs w/ OGL Tut 6. O_o

Started by August 20, 2002 05:16 AM
3 comments, last by Yorrix 22 years, 5 months ago
Yeah, my code won''t compile, it has a problem with the lines where you free the memory of the image used for the texture. The compiler complains of "implicit declaration of function `int free(...)''". I don''t understand why, it should work. I''m assuming it''s the method either comes with the texturing methods or in the stdio library, but in either case I''ve included them. 0_o Anyway, if it helps I''m using the Dev-C++ v4.01 compiler. Thx. -WB-
-WB-[Insert Fridge Here]
I have pretty much the same problem.

When I try to compile it says:
''free'': undeclared identifier

But when I download NeHe''s sourcecode it works fine?

Whats the problem?
Actually free is under stdlib.h
-----For I have seen the face of evil and it will not soon be forgotten.
Yep, you have to include stdlib.h
but in nehe''s sourcecode in tutorial 6 he doesnt use that..?

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