
Where to start?

Started by August 19, 2002 04:28 PM
6 comments, last by Taiyou 22 years, 4 months ago
Hi! I''m not new to music, I''ve been involved in it for a long time. I have learned how to use noteworthy somposer (great for creating midis) and some of DirectMusic Producer. The problem is that midi music isn''t good for games, and I would rather use a standard file format (preferably mp3) rather than what dmp gives me. Are there any programs that provide an interface comparable to the two programs mentioned above, but allow better file formats (even wav, cause there are lots of programs on the net that change wavs to mp3s). Thanks for any help!
I have a program called "Reason" which is really really top notch. It costs about $300 bucks, but if you like to make music its the way to go.
Reason is great (beyond great), but have you considered using a Tracker?

Try looking up ModPlug Tracker.

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What''s a tracker?
You know, a TRACKER
Sorry, you lost me.
Tracker; column + tick based sample playback + composing tool. I believe they were first invented to allow people to insert music into C64 demos, but I could be very wrong. Probably most popular around the Amiga era ( ah, Octamed ), but still has a fairly large fanbase. Don't ask anyone if they are better/worse than MIDI. Several succesful commercial games use them: Unreal + Unreal Tournament and Deus Ex all spring to mind. They are generally quite small, and have the advantage that you can normally extract them and see the 'score' behind them, or steal the samples used . Try Modplug, and see if you like it. Personally, I find MODs to be a bit fiddly, but they again, I am using CSound more and more nowadays, so *shrugs*.

Reason is uber-cool, and well worth the cash. I had a couple of reservations about version 1, but I'm hoping v2 will sort these out. Particularily, the sequencer was bit crud - could only have 1 tempo and signature for the entire composition, has this been fixed now? Is it worth the upgrade? Also, lack of VST plugin support. Yeah, I know that using it with ReWire and an external sequencer would fix both of these, but Logic + Reason don't seem to get on to well. Download the demo at Propellerheads and see if you like it.

[edited by - Colin Barry on August 20, 2002 8:14:36 AM]
Just recently started using Reason and also have to give it a hearty recommendation. I have been using it with Sonar v2 as my sequencer program connecting the two through Rewire and have had no difficulty. A month or so ago I switched from Logic to Sonar and so far have been happy with my switch. (Sonar’s midi capability is not quite as extensive as Logic’s but I have yet to feel restricted by it). With Sonar’s clip-based sequencing you can create and reuse musical themes, so you can associate musical sections with game characters, locations, objects, actions, etc. You can download a trial version of Sonar 2.0 at Cakewalk

[edited by - Sonic Lamb on August 20, 2002 4:48:56 PM]

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