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Another question of oppinnions: goths, what do you think of em...?

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19 comments, last by J2xC 24 years, 3 months ago
Manson is not gothic music.

Its manipulative whiny disgusting rock.

What everyone thinks are goths is just some stupid media stereotype. Try looking up words in a dictionary for once, instead of listening to the 5:00 news.

I wear black clothes because white annoys my eyes, and the convection of black clothes increases ventilation.
I listen to music that no one else has heard of before, most of which is dark, because the music is good and emotional.
I keep to myself, because 95% of the worlds population are idiots.
I like computers and play computer games.

I am considered by the media to be a ''goth'', and by the FBI''s ''warning sign'' list, i am a person who was supposed to go crazy in high school and shoot everyone.

Obviously I didn''t, and im fucking sick of stereotypes.

drop the damn subject if you just want to perpetuate the fucking media''s views.

"Tell brave deeds of war."
Then they recounted tales, -- "There were stern stands And bitter runs for glory."

Ah, I think there were braver deeds.
This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My signature is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. My signature, without me, is useless. Without my signature, I am useless.
Well, being the evil perpetrator who dared to start this controversial post I''ll say a couple more words:

I think marylin mansons music is good but the guy has some weird views, however he does seem sane.

Then among goths, like all groups you have the posers and the others... people who are goths because they want to and it suits their beliefs and others that do it for image...

Then, you have to remember that there are some differences between several groups... you''ve got goths, which are harmless. On the other hand you''ve got satanists, and "exorcists" who can actually be dangerous to society... I remember last time I was in finland they tried to burn down a church in turku and were knocking down gravestones...

Just a couple of things I felt like saying...


About time I put something funny here? I think so too...
J2xC (J. Connolly) Ah! By popular demand, I shall no longer resist...
Mithrandir -
I wasn''t trying to flame anyone for being a goth (if that''s what you assumed). I''m really ignorant about goths, and was only curious...

Programming::~Fredric(const Annoy_Ance)
3D Math- The type of mathematics that'll put hair on your chest!

I do know what Gothic means. Would you agree that anything neo-Gothic is in fact just a stereotype? We don't live in the Gothic era anymore so regurgitating any sort of Gothic themes is in itself fake. Reading a bunch of nineteenth century books / poetry or looking at Goya paintings doesn't make me Gothic either.

I don't actually believe there are any real Gothic people, but we all know what sort of people we are talking about when the term is used - they are the stereotype.

Are you going to tell me about these dark bands?


Oh, and I didn't mean to say Goths and Punks are the same thing, no, no, no. I was just high-lighting a similarity between their motivation for being what they are.

Edited by - paulcoz on 4/4/00 3:47:40 AM
Honestly...I think that the goth image is starting to wear away, anyway. Everyone that I know that used to be goth (although the majority of them were posers anyway) have become more of punks or ravers. I, myself, am definatly a raver if I''m anything, although I do sorta fit quite a bit of the goth "image," except for the fact that I''m Christian. I spend most of my time alone because I feel that most people I know aren''t worth me wasting time trying to comprehend their stupidity. I wear all black most of the time (and usually some rather spiffy black shirts) simply because I like how I look in it. I listen to Manson somewhat...some of his songs are good. Overall, though, I listen to techno, trance, and other rave music...as well as David Bowie and Nine Inch Nails. Yet...people still call me a goth.

P h a n t a s m
"Through dreams I control mankind."
I''v been called a goth a few times. I have no clue why. I listen to industrial music. I wear black alot only because you can''t see pit stains on them and stuff ( and no, I''m not a disguisting hick slob ). I think you should just let people call themselves whatever they want. One other thing, it seems all the people that others would classify as ''goths'' are the nicest people I know and are good friends, while it seems the prep/wigger kids are homo-necro-peta-beastial stuck up whore slut wanabee tough dicks. It might just be my area though. Whatever

We shall be free; th'' Almighty hath not build here for his ervy, will not drive us hence: Here we may reign secure and in my choyce To reign is worth ambition though in Hell: Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heav''n.
We shall be free; th'' Almighty hath not build here for his ervy, will not drive us hence: Here we may reign secure and in my choyce To reign is worth ambition though in Hell: Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heav''n.
don''t get all technical over names, everybody knows what the original poster meant when he said goth. There''s no point in arguing that goths has another meaning. That''s like saying UFOs exist because there are many pictures where the flying objects have not been identified - when everybody takes UFO as meaning an alien space craft
Maralyn Manson is a damned good musician, but that''s about as far as it goes. I like the albums but I don''t go around in bondage gear, and I certainly don''t go shooting people.
Manson himself is only a publicity seeker. He''s really called Brian, and at home he''s completely normal (no i don''t go to his house or anything). People just think it''s cool that he acts weird and he makes a lot of money out of it, so good for him is all i can say...

How about it, Fred?
How about it, Fred?
Hmm, last time I checked, I was a human being..
Funny how that seems to get lost in translation

#pragma DWIM // Do What I Mean!
~ Mad Keith ~
**I use Software Mode**
It's only funny 'till someone gets hurt.And then it's just hilarious.Unless it's you.
I used to be a goth. Went through that phase. Mostly my (at the time) girlfriend''s fault. I still get out my Sisters and Nick Cave CDs every now-and-then, though. *sigh*, happy times. I was never very good at being a goth--too damned happy and content. Mostly I wanted to go to leather clubs. =)

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