
Direct Draw 7 question on the "donuts" example

Started by April 01, 2000 02:49 PM
0 comments, last by Owie 24 years, 5 months ago
I am trying to figure this program out. and I was wondering if someone could tell me what this does: void linkObject( LPDBLNODE new ) { new->next =; new->prev = &DL>prev = new; = new; } void linkLastObject( LPDBLNODE new ) { new->prev = DL.prev; new->next = &DL DL.prev->next = new; DL.prev = new; } Thnx
those functions add a new item into a linked-list of similar items.

you should do a search on linked-lists to know more.

I''m pretty sure each of the donuts on screen is an object of that list and the game cycles through the list and updates them each frame.

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