
CD Music Extraction?

Started by August 14, 2002 05:59 PM
6 comments, last by brewknowc 22 years, 6 months ago
Not sure if this belongs in this forum, because i know this forum seemed to be more of the creative side of game music. Hi i have 2 questions: 1) where can i find info on how to convert cd audio to wav files (i know there are utilites out there for this already, but i want to write one) 2)is it legal to convert audio cd data to wave files for a commercial app? (because i know for mp3''s there is a licence issue) Thanks BC - Free Your Mind -
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you can write a utility to read cd audio data to disc. there is nothing against that provided you are not dsitributing the actual data you rip from the cds. (ie the utility is ok).

ripping the audio has 2 methods:

1. hav the app play the cd and record the data from the mixer. easy to do, works on all systems with no fuss.

2. digital rip (probably what you want). using aspi or win32 commands you read the disc sector by sector and save the audio. works on almost all modern cd drives. can also rip at faster then red book audio speeds (ie faster then 1x). do reasearch on google. plenty of example code and infortmaion on how to do this. concentrate especially on aspi as the means for the rip since most drives support this method.
a person - I have scoured the net and found a few examples of #2 which seem really complicated. Is there an easier way? and How does #1 work, that you mentioned? If anyone else feels like explaining this to me your help is welcome.

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Just use that!
the idea was for me to make my own... i have plans to do something with the data once it''s extracted so third party tools are out of the question.

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If you''re copying copyrighted music, simply making your own ripper won''t do anything to make it legal to distribute.

Don''t listen to me. I''ve had too much coffee.
i don''t plan to copy copyrighted music, i plan to make a utility that rips audio from cd''s and converts it to wav files. Yes, I already know there are tons of them out there, but mine will have a little added twist once i get the data into wav form. If anyone has any links that show you how to do this i would be very appreciative (not really looking for source code, but info on the process of ripping and converting) Thanks

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explain your twist. convert to a compressed audio format? nothing new. display a graphical representation of it while its playing? been done. apply equalizer or other dsp effects? again been done.

not trting to be mean, but there is no easier way. you either play the cd audio using mci commands and use directsoundcapture/wavin to get wav data from the mixer (which includes midi, wav, cd, etc).

if its too complicated then you may wish to try and undetrstand more how aspi and cds work. you may also wish to work on something simpler first and work your way up. no one said ripping cd audio digitally without artifacts (ie clicks and pops due to jitter) is simple.

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