
Source File

Started by August 10, 2002 04:33 PM
5 comments, last by SMFAN 22 years, 7 months ago
OK im a newbie to programming(C++) so i tried the "Hello World!" program. I have the code written,but when I tried to run the program(after I compiled it) a box came up and said,Source File Not Compiled, or something like that. I''ve heard of Source Codes before but I dont know what they are, please help me.
you compile sourcecode, then you SHOULD get an executable: HellloWorld.exe or somthing like that.

sounds like you didn''t create a proper win32 project.

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What is a source file and are they hard to make?
A source file is merely a text file which contains program source code, and usually has a file extension which matches the code''s language (e.g. C source files normally have an extension of .c, and Java source files normally have an extension of .java).
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Martee isn''t in my eyes giving a good explanation of the term Source Code. You''re Hello World program you''ve just written, is called Source Code. So they aren''t hard to make . Everything that you write in your development environment that can be compiled into a program(with or without errors) is called source code.

ANd if it doesn''t compile, you''ve made a mistake. You could have made an error in typing over the program, didn''t create a proper project, etc. Wich compiler are you using and did you create an Win32 console project?

Sand Hawk

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Original post by Sand_Hawk
Martee isn''t in my eyes giving a good explanation of the term Source Code.

Not surprising, since I was explaining the term source file
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