
String and packets...

Started by August 09, 2002 09:18 PM
0 comments, last by Baloogan 22 years, 4 months ago
In my program (MMO/RPG/RTS/MUD) I need to be able to fill up a string with spaces after the data. I wrote a String class that works but it is varibly lengthed and my packets need a full string... eg:
String strA;
char strB[16];

strA = "ABC";
strB = strA; // get a: cant cast a char[] into a char[16] error

send(s,(char *) &strB,sizeof(strB),0);

If you were MEANT to understand it, we wouldn't have called it 'code'
Nevermind... the class string that I use I programmed when I was 15, forgot that i added a explicit function that did this... sorry...
If you were MEANT to understand it, we wouldn't have called it 'code'

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