Fantasy RTS
Last night when i was going to bed I was trying to think up of a good game. I remembered what Sid Meier said in an interview book once about designing games. He said, 'Think of something you would want to be, do, or have, develop what it would all be about, and lastly choose the genre. A lot of people choose the genre first ("I want to make an action game!"), and their finished game ends up to be a clone of some other type of game.' Now this isn't a direct quote, but it gets the point across.
So I when I was thinking last night I said 'I want to be an elf in Rivendell.' So I thought 'Now what kind of genre would that be?' The first that came in mind was obviously RPG, and it sounded to generic. So I thought a little further, and I came up with FPS, but that's too hard for a beginner. After a long time of thinking (I had stayed up late the night before and I had to get up early in the morning), it suddenly came to me! A strategy game!
So I thought a Middle-Earth/Fantasy/D&D strategy game would be really cool. Because of all the balancing of the races, courtesy of J.R.R. Tolkien and the Dungeons and Dragons people, it would make things very interesting. It would be so different playing with each race that you would have to pick one and develop your skills in that one, and then move onto others.
The races would be: men, elves, dwarves, and maybe orcs/goblins. There would be a certain amount of alliance between your race and certain other races. For example, maybe:
Men + Elves
Dwarves + Orcs/Goblins
Dwarves + Men
Dwarves - Elves
Men - Orcs/Goblins
I realize that this is terribly unbalanced, and not totally correct either, but it's just an example of what could be an idea. + would mean that the two races have a few things in common and at times of war it would be easier to ally with them. - means that the two races are not very friendly to each other, and it would be easier to go to war with them. I'm also thinking of adding a +-, which is basically neutral.
The +- system wouldn't determine everything about allying though. It would be a factor in many things, but is not the ruling factor.
There would also be a widened variation of units between races. This would vary from price, skills, quality, quantity, and moral. Instead of just having things such as an Attack power and a Defense Power, maybe there would also be stuff such as Dexterity. Actually, this would probably complicate things very much.
There would also be a variety in the different types of units. You could produce wizards, which would cast divine spells, often in the back of an army providing backup. Maybe you could produce rangers, which would have a larger field of view, could move faster, yet be either weaker or more expensive. Also, bards would be a radical option to boost the moral of troops, thus giving them more power. Bards would also have a little bit of skills in conventional and ranged weapons.
Buildings would be different with each race. Not just the look, but also the speed of construction, the cost, and the durability. Maybe certain races, especially Dwarves and Orcs/Goblins could dig caves to live in.
I would bore you some more with my idea but I have to go and eat dinner. Please reply on what you think! Thanks!
BTW, Am I copying Warcraft? Because I have never played it before.
[edited by - elendil67 on August 9, 2002 6:34:50 PM]
When you go homeTell them of us, and say:For your tomorrow,We gave our today.
When you go homeTell them of us, and say:For your tomorrow,We gave our today.
Sorry to say, but I could''t imagine anyone getting really excited over this. You have to play warcraft. Just get warcraft2 for like $15 somewhere. Its pretty much just like the game you''ve described but without enfringing(sp?) on Tolkien''s intelectual property. You need to think up something to set it apart from an average rts.
When you go homeTell them of us, and say:For your tomorrow,We gave our today.
You could always change a few things to make it different.
Orcs when destroyed splinter into three small goblins (each of which is weaker than the orc, but still fairly strong)
This is because the ORc is a host to other creatures [sort of like Aliens]
Use your imagination
I can think of thousands of ideas in a day
You should be able to as well
Play a lot of games, read a lot of books and histories and you''ll have your ideas
Orcs when destroyed splinter into three small goblins (each of which is weaker than the orc, but still fairly strong)
This is because the ORc is a host to other creatures [sort of like Aliens]
Use your imagination

I can think of thousands of ideas in a day

You could always say its middle earth after like 2000 years and its completely flooded. all the building and units have adapted to underwater life. have some variations or something. there is also the possibility that you could allow the user to create his own race.
I shall fart in your general direction. - I said so

I shall fart in your general direction. - I said so
------------------------------If you whispered, who would hear you? If you cried, who would comfort you? If you begged, who would have mercy? If you program, who will play?------------------------------
I actually had a very similar idea and I thought that there would be a licensed game come out that was along those lines (based on the new movie/s), but have yet to see anything. I think it would be a great idea. Even though there is the Warcraft series, I think there is room for more similar games.
love the big green hobo
Two game series come to mind that this sounds very similar too, and both have had recent sequels (that are very good) released:
Warlords: Battlecry
Warlords: Battlecry
---DirectX gives me a headache.
Well, I think it''s a great idea - even if it is a lot like Warcraft. I think Elendil''s idea would flesh out a lot differently than Warcraft in any case - more sophisticated and maybe targeted more to traditional wargamers?
But, I think that *with* the official Tolkien license it carries weight. Without it it''s just another wannabe like (ducks the flames) Warcraft (lol, like it''s not Middle Earth without a license). I would love to play an RTS based faithfully on the Tolkien universe.
But, I think that *with* the official Tolkien license it carries weight. Without it it''s just another wannabe like (ducks the flames) Warcraft (lol, like it''s not Middle Earth without a license). I would love to play an RTS based faithfully on the Tolkien universe.
No, seriously. That''s what Warlords: Battlecry 2 is. A more sophisticated, less "appealing to the masses" fantasy RTS (than Warcraft 3). It has something like 14 unique races (dwarves, elves of different varieties, humans, orcs, etc etc etc), spells, heroes etc.
---DirectX gives me a headache.
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