
GeForce4 Clipping-Errors

Started by August 09, 2002 07:03 AM
1 comment, last by SGrottel 22 years, 6 months ago
Hello, I'm relative new with the OpenGL-Thing, but I am able to learn. :-) I've written several small Programms using OpenGL and they all are working fine, but now I bought a new Graphicscard for and now some of my Progs. show heavy Clipping-Errors. It's a GeForce4 Ti4200 (from Chaintech). I've uploaded a small program to my website, which shows these errors. Would you please download and test it. It shows a very large Object, very far away. I first noticed the errors on my skyboxes (in other programms). I think that the Graphicscard makes misstakes while calculating the z-buffer. Does anyone has any Idea why? Of course, I could write my Programms to avoid this Error, but that is not explaining, why everything worked on my GeForce1 some days before. Thanks for your help, SGrottel. [edited by - SGrottel on August 9, 2002 8:16:44 AM]
Its a Z buffer accuracy problem, and its caused by the fact your near clipping plane is too near or your far clipping plane is too far. Because the z value is the result of an exponential function, increasing the near clipping plane by a small amount can make a big difference to the accuracy. In general, you should set it as far away as you can cope with.

The reason you didn''t notice it with your old card is because you were getting a 24-bit Z buffer. With your new card, you''re only getting 16 bits. The cause of that is almost certainly your desktop display depth. Set it to 32 bits and you should always get a 24 bit z buffer when you request one; just remember though that if anyone else runs your game they could have either.

____________________________________________________________ | Automated GL Extension Loading: GLee 5.00 for Win32 and Linux

Finally someone with knowledg!

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