
Test some things

Started by August 07, 2002 12:02 PM
0 comments, last by TheWulf 22 years, 6 months ago
Tell me the fps, cpu & vid card for (150k) And tell me what you think of (1.7mb) [edited by - TheWulf on August 7, 2002 1:12:42 PM]
I got 7.74 Min. - 10.88 Max. FPS. I''m have a Pentium 3 @ 733 MHz. My video card is an ATI RADEON 7000 with 32 Megs of RAM. I''m not sure why I''m getting such a poor FPS rate, not just with your lighting app., but on others that I''ve tested. I might need to tweak my setting, though I thought I did already
As for the combat app., it looks like an impressive start. I''m an OpenGL ''newbie'', so I can only dream of when I''ll be able to do so much.
Take care...
- JS
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