
i want to study make game what kind of technology i need ?

Started by August 07, 2002 07:11 AM
10 comments, last by lonelybug 22 years, 6 months ago
now i just study direct way and i find out this is not enough so i need you help that tell me what kinds of technology i need to study?
Langage: C/C++
- DirectX (You should start doing 2D games with DirectDraw)
- Winsock (If you want to add some networking)

And definately, read books.
I would start with a common C/C++ book, then it would be a good idea to get a general DirectX book.
Darkhaven Beta-test stage coming soon.

As for languages, you forgot English :D
stfu, Im chinese too, dont insult him.

Actually, he''s right. You do generally have to be literate in English to get around in the games industry (except in Japan, and even there it''s a plus).

And it''s also generally accepted here that you''re literate in English, IIRC.
Who said he was planning to get into game industry ?
Darkhaven Beta-test stage coming soon.
He will need it too just to go through his books

But what the heck, I don''t know a dot and a half of Chinese, so who am I to criticize?
"Beware", said I.
maybe my English is very why you don''t help me and answer my question?

Here, this is really what you need to get started.

And patience. And a lot of hard work. Study C/C++, pick out a good book and do all the exercises, read web tutorials, go to your local bookstore/library and find books on game programming. Make sure you have a good grounding in math and physics. Work hard and never give up. Ask questions, use the search function and read answers to questions similar to this one. People here will be giving you similar advice, don''t mind the flaming, just don''t stop working.

Good luck.
"Beware", said I.
Just in case of you english guys doesn''t know it, books are translated...
And even Chinese people write programmation books...
Darkhaven Beta-test stage coming soon.

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