
Compiling problem :(

Started by August 07, 2002 05:32 AM
1 comment, last by Olof 22 years, 6 months ago
Hi there! First I must say I really love Nehe´s openGL tutorials. They have helped me a lot. But when it comes to directX I can´t compile the program, it seems those libraryfiles, dinput8.lib i.e, weren´t found our something. This is the errormessage: syntax error : missing '';'' before identifier ''lpdi'' at this line: LPDIRECTINPUT8 lpdi; Using Visual C++ 6.0 Thanks in advance! /Olof
You have to download and install the Direct X 8 sdk ( 100 or so megs ).
Oops, I did it again......

Had downloaded and installed it but forgot to tell Visual where to find those library files
Now it´s working!


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