
another newbie opengl question (sorry)

Started by July 28, 2002 06:01 AM
4 comments, last by Lode 22 years, 7 months ago
This one is killing me! I use a vector for my camera direction, and to simulate camera rotation I want to rotate the scene instead but the function glRotatef seems to use euclidean angles or something? Is there another gl rotation function that uses a vector? I used to make some raytracers and there I always gave my camera the following parameters: a vector for it''s location a vector for it''s main direction a vector for the U part of the camera plane a vector for the V part of the camera plane and it was so cool, by changing the main direction, U and V I could change u and v FOV, roll pitch and yaw the camera, and even skew the camera and do some weird alien effects! How will I be able to transform all this functionality to OpenGL?
Check out the gluLookAt function, I think that is what ye want.

Cool almost perfect, I only miss the seperate U and V control.
But that''s logical, an API will never beat a home made raytracer!

I''m also very new to OpenGL and here I saw that you use the GLUT Library. Now what I want to know is, does the Glut Library underly the GPL or can I use that library also for commercial projects?

Ciao Martin

ps.: Sorry for my horrible English!
Original post by MartinKnecht

I''m also very new to OpenGL and here I saw that you use the GLUT Library. Now what I want to know is, does the Glut Library underly the GPL or can I use that library also for commercial projects?

Ciao Martin

ps.: Sorry for my horrible English!

This is a completely separate topic, MartinKnecht. It''s impolite to hijack someone else''s thread; start your own.

Don''t listen to me. I''ve had too much coffee.
Ok! Sorry for my post, i''ll start a new thread!

Ciao Martin

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