
Dyson Sphere

Started by July 24, 2002 03:42 PM
11 comments, last by TheShadow 22 years, 6 months ago
First of all what is a Dyson Sphere? A Dyson Sphere is an astronomical construction which surrounds a Star and generates energy from the rays that the star gives off, pretty much like solar panels. This idea comes from an astronomer called Dyson who thought of it as he analyzed the way we consume energy. The idea of my game uses this concept... A Dyson Sphere, where you are given: A starship A Matter to Energy - Energy to Matter reactor. A fleet of 30 man and several space fighters (ships) A solar system A set of Nanobots All this for the price of: nah just joking this is all free at starters The objective is to build a Dyson Sphere out of that solar system with just those things in your hand. You were sent off from a civilization whose galaxy collapsed into a big Black Whole and now are looking for solar systems capable of building Dyson Spheres, all this with the purpose of Making one big set of Dyson Spheres which would connect to each other and generate enough energy to make a great civilization. The kind of game is Strategy/Space/Third Person Strategy while attacking a large army, Space while you need to attack in space or just need to travel in space and third person when it''s a one man operation. Here there are no missions, nothing, only your live that shall not be spared or the game ends in game over. The stage is setup for everything, you just got to do it. You need to find a good place to mine any kind of resources, be it soil, rock or water, you got to collect all you can and then process it into the reactor i mentioned back in this post and it will do the rest, make a really cool alloy by converting matter into energy and reaccomodating everything in order to make this very cool alloy which is practically indestructible. This material will be used to make the dyson sphere and you might also have to travel to other solar systems to get more material since you will have to adapt the dyson sphere to the diameter of the star which will be random everytime you start a game from the beginning... and will also have to build other things like ships, buildings and stuff like that. You will have to develop new technologies which your scientists will be able to "discover" as you go trhough the game, get to new places or steal them from other civilizations which are not as advanced as you are, but everybody has a trick or two which others don''t. The construction of the dyson sphere will not be uniform and will be made after some standards that will be given to the player depending on which technologies, capabilities and ammount of material the player has. Making the game very challenging, giving the oportunity to the player of designing his own dyson sphere. The only incovenient here is that they''ll have a minimum surface to built because they will have to generate a standard ammount of energy in order to get connected to the other dyson spheres that will be made. The better you are the greater energy you will generate, the building of the sphere will be able to be done by the time you have a design, the technologies and the material to start it, the building will not be made in one big continuous process but can be done in a paced process. You will not be able to see how your friends make their dyson sphere until you reach a certain amount of energy generation in order to facilitate space travel by making more efficient and more powerful ships... There will be worlds with population in it and others that will not have any... Some will have monsters... but the real problem is that you must get them to work for you because all your fleet is required to protect, build and design the dyson sphere, the number of people you require will go down as you go through the game but enslaving them for this is a must. It is in your hands how to do it. Convincing them that the sphere will be good for them or by simply kicking their asses before you give any orders. This game can be fitted into online gaming or just offline gaming the call gives it the programmer, because the concept is that it must be a very very huge world, that can be emulated offline but in an online enviroment, emulation is not an option since the space must exist. An online experience would be very great because it would make people that already have their dyson sphere connected be able to explore the new colony inside, travel inside it and make a nice community which would open a whole new world of possibilities and online game play. Interaction between dyson sphere builders would take them to help each other or even have those who just want to destroy everything, this would bring a new option for people to be patrollers instead of being dyson sphere builders. Well it''s just a very huge concept... I have many more ideas and concepts for this particular idea if you want to hear more, use the idea or anything just tell me. This idea is free tu use in your projects if you want to, just let me in and help you more with it. And if it just sucks... don''t worry i can take it... Cheers!
Mecha Engineer (Making Real Humanoid Suits)
Oh yeah and I missed out Nanobots... They are simply the best builders science can generate. With a set of nanobots you just give out the order and they can build just about anything from just about anything... Even self duplicate. That''s why i put''em there.

Mecha Engineer (Making Real Humanoid Suits)
Dyson Sphere''s are quite impractical... read the book "Ring-World"

George D. Filiotis
Are you in support of the ban of Dihydrogen Monoxide? You should be!
George D. Filiotis
It seems like someone actually did the math and found out that it would take something like 1000 of our solar systems (excluding Sol) to make an actual dyson sphere of reasonable depth (1 Kilometer deep).

Which of course begs the question: Why the hell would you bother? There would have to be a nearly rediulous reward at the end of it all to justify the expenditure of 1000 solar systems just to harness the energy of ONE solar body. Of course, that''s a solar body the size of our sun... get a larger star and you''re talking about a sphere of truly rediculous size.

Then again, it is possible if you could take all of the energy gleaned out of the star and shoot it into one point in space (think of a supercollider) you might be able to generate a gravitational anomaly of some kind... But it''s not like it would be worth it, you''d have to clear out all of the star systems for a few parsecs around just to make it... as a test.
It''s just a game idea people... don''t have to be that real

guess it sucks
Mecha Engineer (Making Real Humanoid Suits)

[edited by - cenuij on August 17, 2002 4:39:15 PM]


EDITED BY MODERATOR: Personal attacks are unacceptable. Read the Forum FAQ if you require clarification.

[edited by - Wavinator on August 20, 2002 7:21:31 PM]
Thanks for ur comment... But Idiots don''t go anonymous to express themselves...and leave trace behind of who they are... I just hope that one day everybody is man enough to talk that way looking at my eyes... until then you''re just a flamer and your comments are worth no better than a bunch of binary bunch of bulk.
Mecha Engineer (Making Real Humanoid Suits)
I think the game idea has some intersting aspects. It doesn''t have to bve a Dyson sphere, it could work for any massive construction project (something on a solar system scale).

The basic resource for hte player is the raw material (matter), which has to be used for:
1) Constructing the foo
2) Supporting the working population(s)
3) Making the machines to do a the work

At some point in the game, the shrinking amount of stuff left in the solar system collides with the expanding population that does the construction. Or the player runs out of raw material and has to start using the construction machines as raw materials to try and finish the job.

An interesting, but rather simple balancing act. There isn''t enough replay value once the player gets a feel for an optimum construction path. There needs to be some more depth. But not a bad starting point.

Fixing gamplay cliche:

If there could be a way of not letting a player build the same thing or build what he has to build the same way we could get rid of what JSwing said. Because he''s right if players find a way of just building and building you get monopoly tycoon hehe... In there once you get the hang of a good start no one can reach you into your goals... But they fixed that with a little bit of better AI from your counterparts.

So why not letting your fellow builders have a mind of their own and sometimes they would just not work and the player wouldn''t notice that until something goes wrong, isnt right or isnt done. So he''ll have to be watching out for all his construction... And maybe in a more advanced level let him have the opportunity to have someone who manages a set of workers and that way that someone would tell you if a strike is going on.

Building disasters is my point here...

This way the player will have to manage his way out of this type of things with a change in the design of the project to build. (The Design could be done with premade pieces that would make the dev team to make a library of at least 300 different objects for designs never to be the same.

Another way would be to hand out different technologies for the player to buy out or to get while playing... not letting the player have all but maybe half or more than half of the technologies would allow different technichs for building.

There could be so many fixes to the problem.
Mecha Engineer (Making Real Humanoid Suits)

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