
How Can I set the refresh rate for the Monitor ?

Started by July 24, 2002 02:23 PM
10 comments, last by cippyboy 22 years, 7 months ago
Disanling Vsync and then limiting frames is not the same thing as changing the refresh rate... I have 75 FPS constantly, with Vsync Disabled 120 FPS. On other`s people CPU they have about 50-60 FPS so the first time I thought that they`re CPU is slower but it`s not that though.. and disabling the Vsync won`t solve the preoblem... Setting the refresh rate will actually be a frame limiter...

Relative Games - My apps

Display properties in the control panel. then settings tab. click advanced botton then monitor tab...

____________________________________MSN | AIM | YIM | ICQ
Game Core
Are you blind ?
I said that on others CPU they have a lower FPS because the refresh rate is lower !!!!!!
At 50-60 FPS and he only had
Adapter Default
60 Hz
and it was set on optimal....
I ment FUNCTIONS !!!!!!!!
Like SetMonitorRefreshRate(60);

Relative Games - My apps

oops! sorry for that
____________________________________MSN | AIM | YIM | ICQ
Use the dmDisplayFrequency member of the DEVMODE structure you pass to ChangeDisplaySettings(...).


  DEVMODE DevMode;DevMode.dmSize             = sizeof(DevMode);DevMode.dmPelsWidth        = 800;DevMode.dmPelsHeight       = 600;DevMode.dmBitsPerPel       = 32;DevMode.dmDisplayFrequency = 60; // SET DISPLAY TO 60HzDevMode.dmFields           = DM_BITSPERPEL | DM_PELSWIDTH | DM_PELSHEIGHT | DM_DISPLAYFREQUENCY;ChangeDisplaySettings(&DevMode, CDS_FULLSCREEN);  

Of course, you should change the resolution/fullscreen etc. as you need.

I''m unsure as to whether or not it actually works though, my driver''s OpenGL VSync setting doesn''t seem to change anything .
and remmember that not all monitors supports heigh frequencies. so you will need to ask the user if he sees anything... and if not you should fallback into the original frqncy...

____________________________________MSN | AIM | YIM | ICQ
if you change the refresh rate of the monitor to one that is unsupported prepare for doom. i don''t know how to check supported refresh rates myself but you should find out how to do that before you go crazy setting people''s refresh rates.

also, LCD monitors don''t support anything above 60Hz (60FPS).

Original post by Palidine
i don''t know how to check supported refresh rates

ChangeDisplaySettings() with the CDS_TEST flag...?

Come to #directxdev IRC channel on AfterNET

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