
OpenGl and java

Started by July 24, 2002 12:20 PM
-1 comments, last by AmirYO 22 years, 7 months ago
Hi every one this is a great site its my first time here and this is my first topic i had a question and a problem q= we (my team) are making a game in java and i really wanne add some good 3d graphics to it so i thought why not 3d, i donwloaded j3d and every thing but would you think it be better idea if we use openGL its so much powerfull right and it would run on every comptuer since our code will be java, but we will game be slow since the engine will be in java using openGl ? p= i dont knwo if this is a right forum for this problem that i have sorry if its not please help if you can thank you i downloaed openGl for java from sun webstie but when i install it my compiler,(JBULIDER 7) dosnot see gl4 package or packages related to OpenGl did any one had this problem if so how did you solve it thanks in advance OpenGl fan Amir =) here is our site for the project i was telling you about that i was invovled in

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