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VB and Macs probably the worst things in the world!

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17 comments, last by MuffinKnight 24 years, 3 months ago
Show me where in my post that I flamed a Macintosh!! I pick choice D. Let''s go back to where I posted my message!

"I agree that Macs suck ass, but I disagree with your statement about VB sucking ass. With DX7 support, I can now make any game you can in C++ "

Saying that I think Macs suck ass is not a flame, or an insult!! I only said that I didn''t like Macintosh. Why are you so paranoid!? And I''ve used a Macintosh MANY times!!! I am qualified to make a judgement regarding a Macintosh!! I NEVER flamed the message board! If you said that Windows sucked ass, that''s your opinion; I would give a f**k! You are the one flaming this message board because you are making something much bigger than it is!!

Solenoid Software Interactive
Shinryuu64Solenoid Software Interactivehttp://solenoid.50megs.comshinryu64@kiss-my.as
My oh my, you are an angry one. You should really get out more. I hardly call responding to something flaming.

If that was your opinion, and you have used macs a whole bunch, then you wouldnt be so ofensive. Chill out man.

I dislike alot of things, but you dont find me flooding Message boards and swearing like a sailor. If you really have a beef with Macs, I really dont think that anyone on this board could care any less; and to add to it, you fill your exression of your opinion with vile language.

I dont care if you dont like macs, and i really dont care if you honor my opinion, what really makes me upset is seeing all the posts that the newbies make trying to start off and seeing them sink to the bottom of the message board because of the rediculous Polls that MuffinKnight posts every 5 minutes...every single thread he's started has been a poll of some sort.

As for you, shinryuu, im not sure why you tried to make this personal, and why you think _I'm_ the one who is flaming people. If I were to flame a personm i would make a post titled "Windows...the worst thing to hit any harddrive" That is flaming. Me responding to someone who says that macs suck, is hardly flmaing someone.

Edited by - firahs on 3/26/00 4:42:07 PM

Thank you.

Actually I think we could turn this thread from a flame war to a valuble discussion, listen carefully and I will show you how...

VB: I personally don''t like VB much, but that''s my opinion. It definately has advantages as well as disadvantages.

MACS: I''ve never really used a Mac. But I''m wondering....
All PC Programmers know that the IBM-PC hardware is pretty inefficient, right?, we lose a lot of performance in the name of backward compatibility (as well as the occaisional screw up)
Also: Windows (and most Windows software) is not very efficent (this is primarily to do with MS Screw ups IMHO)

Is the Mac & MAC OS any better? What about other PC OS''s?

Sensible, informed, comments only please.



"Who says computer games affect kids, imagine if PacMan affected us as kids, we'd all sit around in a darkened room munching pills and listening to repetitive music....uh oh!"

George. F"Who says computer games affect kids, imagine if PacMan affected us as kids, we'd all sit around in a darkened room munching pills and listening to repetitive music....uh oh!"
The reason Macintosh isn''t as big as PCs is because they haven''t had the same evolution compared to the PC industry. I personally think that it all began when Macintosh and Microsoft were competitors with their OS''s back in the 80''s. People chose the Microsoft option and while IBM already had quite a big lead with the PC market, Apple lost more and more to the PC industry, not to mention the almost 10 year old dispute about MS stealing the Window concept, which they hadn''t.

If I remember it correctly, Macintosh was near extinction in the early 90''s when Microsoft helped them out (God knows why) and got them on track again (financially). Lately, they''ve had quite a success with the whole iMac concept which has been copied by several PC companies, and if I''m not completely wrong, they''ve got as much as 25% of the computer industry now.

As to those who says/believes that VB "sucks", I suggest you go and get updated on the subject before you say something you obviously know nothing about.

Daniel Netz, Sentinel Design
"I'm not stupid, I'm from Sweden" - Unknown
============================Daniel Netz, Sentinel Design"I'm not stupid, I'm from Sweden" - Unknown
About vocabulary :
Let''s be clear. "Macs suck ass" is a flame. It does not mean the same thing as "I don''t like Macs". The first one is a definitive statement, which implies that Mac users are morons. The second one is an opinion. And if you want a discussion, you choose the third option : "I don''t like Macs because...". Same for VB, of course.

About VB :
I am not up-to-date with VB since I only tried VB 1.0. According to the legend, VB is the only "language" designed by marketting department and not by programmers. And it really looks like a toy. I have heard that newer versions get closer to Pascal/Delphi but then, why bother ? There is only so much you can add to an untyped spagetthi interpreted language to turn it into a real language before it completely dissolves. I''d rather use Delphi or Visual Café.
Btw., I have heard that the latest versions of VB offer some fake object-orientation possibilities. Could anyone confirm / deny ?

About Macs :
I like Macs. Just to cut some useless comments, let''s precise I use regularely Solaris, Linux, W9x, MacOS. Haven''t tried BSDs but I had OS/2 for several years - and it was... surprising but good.
The Macintosh UI is lots better than Windows. The visible parts are similar, of course, but where Windows has autoexec.bat, config.sys, msdos.sys and the registry, MacOS has simple, much less bug-prone mechanisms (sorry, I do not know the English name for them).
And Macs are much more plug-and-play than PCs. Have you ever tried to plug-in an external hard-drive while playing HoMM 2 ? Worked flawlessly on my old Macintosh.
Now, the real problem with Macs is the old operating system still in use, which is still neither very stable (compared to Unix, not to Windows), nor very fast (compared to Windows), much less multitasking (compared to anybody). And MacOS X is going to bring BSD power into the Macintosh.

About History :
IMHO, Macintosh only had 10% of the market in the early 90s because Apple sticked to its policy of providing the best hardware, software & support - at an expensive price. And PCs succeeded not because they were the best computers around (Apple II were better, and so were MSX, if I am correct) but because of IBM''s reputation and marketting skills.
Why did MS invest in Apple ? Very simple. They needed a competitor, in order to win the trial. And they also sell their Office product line on Macintosh.
I do not know the exact numbers in CPUs but I checked the
AAPL stock exchange symbol and it seems that they currently receive about 17% of the money invested in computers. Which is not that bad for a formerly dying company.
Oh, and I would hate to forget to put a famous quotation : "This is not Macintosh enough". Guess who said it during the development of what softward ?

Be reading you,
VB is now a respectful programming languagead environment. Before VB 5, most programmers laughed at it. Now as it gets more and more powerful, programmers are realizing that they can create respectable programs in this language. Now VB is the most used language in this nation, surpassing even C++. Visual Basic doesn''t yet offer FULL object oriented capabilities, but in VB7, it will, using polymorphism, and inheritance. Also, contrary to common knowledge, you CAN use pointers in VB, using an undocumented function called VarPtr(). While VB was respectable for regular applications, game developers laughed at Visual Basic as a programming platform. Now with DirectX 7, even the game developers are no longer laughing. Of course, VB is slightly slower than C++, but I have some seen some serious stuff created in Visual Basic. To add to that, I can make a DLL in C++ or ASM, and call it in Visual Basic. Microsoft took a spaghetti code interpreted language, and succeeded in turning it into a viable lamguage long ago. It''s called QuickBasic 4.5. The language isn''t even dead yet (http://www.qb45.com). Visual Basic is like a Windows extension of QB, but the conversion is not yet complete. Even though VB is not as powerful a C++, it is rapidly approaching it.
Shinryuu64Solenoid Software Interactivehttp://solenoid.50megs.comshinryu64@kiss-my.as
I think VB functions better as a scripting language rather than for making applications from scratch. There is an equivalent on the mac called Real Basic, and its pretty darn cool

VB is much more than what it was back b4 VB5. Now with DX7 support I''m trying to make a demo game already and see how the speed is. :D It''s gonna be sort of a Game & Watch remake. :D

-Now Working on Pokemon like Engine!
-Now Working on Pokemon like Engine!
"Now VB is the most used language in this nation, surpassing even C++ " - Really, shinryuu? Can you confirm that? I know VB is big and I''ve heard that it''s got 3,2+ million users but that''s quite old numbers.

Daniel Netz, Sentinel Design
"I'm not stupid, I'm from Sweden" - Unknown
============================Daniel Netz, Sentinel Design"I'm not stupid, I'm from Sweden" - Unknown

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