
cataloguing genres

Started by July 16, 2002 06:11 AM
4 comments, last by JohnCrystal 22 years, 5 months ago
I am currently starting to work on a thesis (more of basic research) about the types of genres that are present for games. I will document each genre, as well as any available sub-genre under it and provide detailed explanations of each one. Also, I will be documenting various development techniques and programs/methods that are use in creating games under each genre/category. I was wondering how I could find people who are more experienced in the gaming industry... so that I could get to ask them some questions regarding this.
Having gathered this information, what will your thesis be?? I assume there is a particular thesis statement or question you wish to satisfy with this information?

Most information about genres can be gained from reading books on game design, but the best way to learn about genres is to play a lot of games.

Real-time Strategy (RTS)
Turn-based Strategy
First-person shooter (FPS)
Third-person shooter
Electronic Toy
God game
Sports game
Adventure game
Action game (one that isn''t a shooter)
Hybrids of multiple genres

...and so on.
_________________________The Idea Foundry
I will be limiting it mostly to console, handheld (GBC and GBA), and PC games...

Other than identifying what genres are the standards, characteristics of each genre will be identified. Therefore, if there is a game with a set of characteristics, a person can use these characteristics and compare it with a table of characteristics in order to find out what genre the game classifies as.
I will be limiting it mostly to console, handheld (GBC and GBA), and PC games...

Other than identifying what genres are the standards, characteristics of each genre will be identified. Therefore, if there is a game with a set of characteristics, a person can use these characteristics and compare it with a table of characteristics in order to find out what genre the game classifies as.
Right...but that''s not a thesis, is it? A thesis is the statement of a question or problem you set out to find the answer to. That''s my point...what''s the thesis your researching?

The Idea Foundry
_________________________The Idea Foundry
I think its...

"To identify and categorize the genres currently available for games and to determine the development techniques and practices used for each genre."

that''s how I think it is best described, at least...

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