
Change font used in console?

Started by July 12, 2002 03:55 PM
10 comments, last by KTurner 22 years, 7 months ago
Is it possible to change the font used in a console program. I don''t mean the color, I know how to do that, but the actual font type. Arial, Times, Courier, etc. Thanks for any help.
You can''t change the font from within your console application.
The font is whatever the user chose for "console".

Kami no Itte ga ore ni zettai naru!
Hmmm, I know that the console user can change the font used, but I also know I have used several dos programs that automatically start up using a different font. One program in particular that does this I know was not written in c++, so I'm not sure if that is an issue or not.

Does anyone know how this is accomplished? In infact it is true that I can not change the console font used, then how is this is accomplished in other programs I've seen (programs also starting in DOS boxes)? If you need me to cite examples I certainly will. Thanks again for any help offered.

Also I am looking for any information on increasing/decreasing the intensity of a color. For example to make a paler red using the bright red color.

[edited by - KTurner on July 14, 2002 11:12:07 AM]
Most likely it''s done by loading a font engine and displaying the words graphically through that font engine.

Original post by magnwa
Most likely it''s done by loading a font engine and displaying the words graphically through that font engine.

How complex would something like that be to implement? And any suggestions to find out how to do it? I don''t know if thats what is being done but I am interested in anything that might work without too much trouble. Again the default font used is just too blocky looking for my tastes.

Yes, I''d like to see it with my own eyes. Please post a
link where I can get those programs.

Regardless of how it is done, if it indeed can be done, I''d
find it highly annoying that a program changes the font of
the console on me. I don''t like it one bit.

Kami no Itte ga ore ni zettai naru!
Sure thing tangentz, here is one...

I should warn you that you have to follow the instructions provided in the faq there to get the program running. It is an older program that requires some fixing to work on P2 or better pcs. It also was created as a BBS door game and will require a patch (also at the site) to make it run locally. Not sure if you''ll want to go through the trouble to get it running. In any case it is a fine example of changing the console font. If I has some place to upload a screen shot of it I would do it for you...

All I can say is that it is most definatly using a different font then I am when I compile and run my own console programs.

I don''t think that game includes the source. I too am very interested in finding out how to change the console font.
How do you do change the color anyways?
Hi everyone!
Original post by bert2
How do you do change the color anyways?

"I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes." - the Laughing Man

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