
Hi I'm new and I have no idea about anything :)

Started by July 11, 2002 04:51 PM
12 comments, last by FlashKid 22 years, 7 months ago
Maybe not everything because I do know how to use flash and I am crafty with HTML but other then that I''m a total newbie. I would really like to make those text based online RPG games but dont know were to start. I learn fast and by my self (I thought my self Flash and HTML) so a good web site with instruction will do just fine if nothing else. If you could help me out in any way it would be appreciated.
someone will give you this link, so why not me..

Look at the top of this page, see a link..

For Beginners ?

Go there..

[edited by - hammerstein_02 on July 11, 2002 5:58:08 PM]
Also, there are a number of specific programs you might be interested in. If you want to create text-based games, search around for TADS (Text Adventure Development System.) There is an HTML version you''d probably have a blast with.

TADS is very straignt-forward. Someone with no programming experience could create something ... workable, anyway, in a few minutes. And if you learn C or C++, you''ll find it easy to modify all sorts of stuff.

TADS is free, and you can use it to made commercial games, if you like. But I''m not sure where to find it. I found my copy on the CD accompanying "Game Design: Theory and Practice" (which is a good book, by the way.)

There are also a number of ready-made RPG-creation systems around. Some are free.

Of course, there''s nothing like creating your own game completely from scratch. But few games are created that way these days.

"Mathematics are one of the fundamentaries of educationalizing our youths." -George W. Bush

"When a nation is filled with strife, then do patriots flourish." - Lao Tzu

Jonathon[quote]"Mathematics are one of the fundamentaries of educationalizing our youths." -George W. Bush"When a nation is filled with strife, then do patriots flourish." - Lao Tzu America: Love it or leave it ... in the mess it's in. [/quote]
Original post by FlashKid
Maybe not everything because I do know how to use flash and I am crafty with HTML but other then that I''m a total newbie. I would really like to make those text based online RPG games but dont know were to start. I learn fast and by my self (I thought my self Flash and HTML) so a good web site with instruction will do just fine if nothing else. If you could help me out in any way it would be appreciated.

I don''t know why but this made me chuckle. Probably because when I first got on the computer my intention was to become what I called "A GAME MAKER"...haha.

Anyhoo, the fact that you are "crafty" with HTML and you taught (not thought(typo)) yourself by reading web site based tutorials means nothing. Creating a game is so much harder than HTML that it''s kind of like calling yourself a self taught gourmet chef when all you''ve ever cooked is Easy Mac (Mmmmm...easy macccc....). The same goes for Flash.

All I''m saying is don''t expect to learn C/C++ programming off a web site tutorial as you did HTML. You''ll need a book.

Of course somebody (had I not decided to type this little disclaimer) could have pointed out that making a text based RPG is not exactly as hard as I''m making game programming sound. So there, I pointed it out for them.

One last note:

int ReadBelow()
std::cout << "READ SAMS TEACH YOURSELF C++ IN 21 DAYS!";
return 0;

Good luck
- Luc
Peace,Luc BooneTrans9 Studios
But don't expect to learn it in 21 days!

[edited by - T R i K s A N D on July 11, 2002 6:59:33 PM]
Peace,Luc BooneTrans9 Studios
Original post by T R i K s A N D

int ReadBelow()
std::cout << "READ SAMS TEACH YOURSELF C++ IN 21 DAYS!";
return 0;

Good luck
- Luc

Stop picking on the newbie ;-). He''s trying to imply that you wouldn''t get anything (0 return) from reading the Sams book. I don''t know from experience, as I am a java programmer (ok, now you can pick on me).
[url = ""]GeekMan Games[url]
well here''s my link My Game Page. Since you taught yourself HTML and Flash, you should be able to teach yourself to program THEN game programming. Try to learn C OR C++ (and contrary to popular belief they are NOT the same thing, similar but not the same) first. I''ve heard teach yourself C++ in 21 days is pretty good.
Also this C tutorial is pretty good also.

When you go to my page just look at the upper left section of the page, you''ll find the links for game development in GameDev.

Good Luck to you!!

Knowledge is what you learn, wisdom is how you apply it.

Beginner in Game Development?  Read here. And read here.


LOL funny enough I got that book but it always looked too complicate to understand. BTW If a lost the CD that comes with the book would the book be any use to me until I find the CD. BTW English is not my first language so I have a hard time spelling.
One of the best ways to learn anything is to consider your strengths, and build on what you already know.

As I mentioned, I think TADS would be cool. But if you're looking to get into real programming, I think it might be good to begin with Java applets.

As a language, Java makes things easier than C++. It also reduces the chances of creating buggy code. But Java applets are even easier, because they are designed to run within web browsers. This means that you can spend less time setting up a display area, and jump right into animation, sound, etc., without as much trouble.

And because you are already familiar with HTML, Java would be a natural choice. Embedding Java applets in HTML is ridiculously simple (one line of code, surrounded by the tags.) Oops! I meant the "applet" and "/applet" tags. See how easy it is? I did it purely by accident!

You can download the Java SDK (Software Development Kit) for free from Sun's website. If you begin with simple games first (like Memory, Pong, Tetris, Space Invaders) you can learn programming while programming games.

And Java is based on C++, but does not have certain features which, although useful, are often difficult for beginners. Before you begin work on your first game, do you want to spend time learning about pointers and memory addressing? (No!)

With Java, you don't need to learn that stuff right away, because it's taken care of for you. Later, if you're really fascinated with the concept of pointers, you'll already have a solid basis in Java programming. That programming experience will make those advanced concepts easier to learn.

Also, keep in mind that Java programs will run on any computer that has the JRE (which you can bundle with your games, by the way.) And Java applets will run in any web browser that supports Java. (That's just about all of them, aside from text-based browsers like Lynx.) The only possible problem is that some people may disable Java in their browsers. But how often have you done that? Most people haven't.

Java code is also very portable. C++ programs are generally tailored to individual platforms. That's why a game for Sega's (awesome) Dreamcast won't run on a Playstation, and vice versa. Each platform is different. But with Java, you can compile your game once, and distribute it.

People argue about whether C++ or Java is better. Each has strengths and weaknesses, and both are excellent languages. Considering your background (and my own experiences,) I would recommend beginning with Java applets.

Whichever path you choose, programming is a fascinating area. And game programming, while often more demanding than other types of programming, is a lot of fun. It also gets easier as you go along, because the more you learn, the more you have to build on. Good luck -- and stick with it!

"Mathematics are one of the fundamentaries of educationalizing our youths." -George W. Bush

"When a nation is filled with strife, then do patriots flourish." - Lao Tzu

[edited by - Jonathon on July 11, 2002 7:57:55 PM]
Jonathon[quote]"Mathematics are one of the fundamentaries of educationalizing our youths." -George W. Bush"When a nation is filled with strife, then do patriots flourish." - Lao Tzu America: Love it or leave it ... in the mess it's in. [/quote]
WOW thank you all I wasn''t expecting this many usefull responses thanks a lot.

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