
Video Game Stumpers!

Started by March 22, 2000 10:08 PM
-1 comments, last by Torgo 24 years, 6 months ago
Gosh, I don''t know why I''ve never thought about this before... Yep, I''m recruiting for Video Game Stumpers. Now I know some of you already on the list have this wry grin on your faces, but bear with me for those who don''t know what it is. Video Game Stumpers (VGS) is a mailing list I maintain that consists of game developers, press people who cover games, and web press who put their pride on the line for one thing -> Answering trivia about video games. It comes to your mailbox three times a week at 2pm CST with three questions for you to respond back too. Most people like it just for the trivia questions and answers, but some people like the competition. The points don''t really matter in the end, but the memories the trivia invokes is pretty fun. If you can name all the ghosts in Pac-Man or know what was the first easter egg in a game, then maybe VGS is for. (I have much harder questions...) Okay, so you think you''re interested. Email with your questions or comments about the list. Note: the list is not sponsored by anyone and your email address stays private. VGS is and always will be neutral towards all developers and press. VGS is ONLY about the games and the trivia. I would insert fake quotes from people already on the list, but suffice it to say there are over 60 people on board from big houses like 3DRealms, Ritual, Gamespot to indie guys like Infinite Machine. Even this guy named Geoff Howland shows up now and then trying to answer questions. If anybody has questions they''d like to post in the forum, I''d be more than happy to follow them up. (And hey, players, let''s get some more people to play!) Chris Campbell VGS Trivia Master Video Game Stumpers!

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