
well done, VC++...

Started by July 02, 2002 03:49 AM
39 comments, last by RipTorn 22 years, 1 month ago
pffff. You stupid microsoft basher basher. how do you know that we dont use Linux? I for one, do. Just because I use Microsoft stuff as well, doesnt mean i like it. It hurts me every time i boot windows, remembering where my money went. I would never buy it again, but since I have it, i will not just throw it away as you suggest. it does have some useful features, obviously.

also, i am no pirate. I might think free software is the way to go, but i dont do anything illegal.

"if you were in their place you would be the exact same way"
no, just because you would doesnt mean we think the same as you. We are not all evil capitalists, you know. Some people have morals.

when some programs only run in windows, this is not because it would be difficult to port, but because evil companies like microsoft are in it for the money. and dont say, "why dont you make a better one yourself". The only reason we cant is because there is more evil than good and it is hard for the good people to keep up sometimes.

Personally, i dont understand why they want the money. WTF are they going to do with it?

oh well, someday the human race will gain sanity.
I never said I didn''t like it, I was just originally showing a funny bug that occured. (it was quite a while ago that I originally posted this image)

my opinion is that Visual Studio is easily the best IDE I''ve ever worked with.

Thats why any thing from M$ = $h!t. Go linux, use kdevelop it ownz
--------------------------Nukemmsn: nukem996@hotmail.comaim: nukem996open source open mind
how can it be better if it only runs on windows? Isnt that an oxymoron or something. btw, did you know the MSVS liscense forbids you to use it to make a product that competes with MSVS. So, if you can only program in your comfortable IDE that you were raised with, you have to stay with it even if you CAN design a better one, which you apparently cant, and that is sad. Kdevelop and Anjuta are free IDEs for *nix. I honestly cannot think of anything i can do in msvs easier than in my own IDE. note: i HAVE msvc6, so i know what it does. anyway, sorry about this preaching. i will go back to my hole.
Learn some grammar.

HUD is an acronym for Heads-Up Display.

Acronyms are to be in all uppercase according to the rules and regulations of English.

So your CHud class is invalid.

Learn some grammar.

HUD is an acronym for Heads-Up Display.

Acronyms are to be in all uppercase according to the rules and regulations of English.

So your CHud class is invalid.


A word formed from the initial letters of a name, such as WAC for Women''s Army Corps, or by combining initial letters or parts of a series of words, such as radar for radio detecting and ranging.

I''ve never seen radar written with all caps.

Trying is the first step towards failure.
Trying is the first step towards failure.
Original post by ragonastick
I''ve never seen radar written with all caps.


now you did

"take a look around" - limp bizkit
If that's not the help you're after then you're going to have to explain the problem better than what you have. - joanusdmentia

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It''s also common to write even acronyms with only a capital leading letter when coding, to see where the words begin and end, such as TcpIpProtocol (versus TCPIPPROTOCOL), and *wink wink* OpenGlRenderer, D3dRenderer etc etc
Original post by Anonymous Poster
Learn some grammar.

HUD is an acronym for Heads-Up Display.

Acronyms are to be in all uppercase according to the rules and regulations of English.

So your CHud class is invalid.

You do what you feels right.

The code works and people can understand it, so I''ll go merrily on my way not caring less.

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at my school, I bash the compiler we use, borland, because it can only read like dos filenames (8 characters) and stuff, and i formats text horribly and it cant work in union with notepade, its because its version 4.5, and my school refuses to update it because they are doing away with the course, which I understand, but they''ve had this program forever, the should have gotten borland 5 or 6 or 7 when it came out, but nooooo...

I love Visual Studio, 5, 6 and 7 and have never encountered any problems. I love Linux to, and the Mac, but yes, I think they are inferior in ways to the pc and windows. Although pc has a lot of bugs in windows, show me a linux with all my favorite games and directx, show me a mac that can topple a pentium 4 3.06ghz or and amd athlon xp 2800+, show me a linux AND max with my favorite games...

those mac commercials where people talk about switching because mac can do everything piss the living hell out of me because everything you can do on a mac, you can do on a pc, but everything you can do on a pc, you can''t do on a mac...and i utterly hate the mac os and especially mac osx, the bottom bar is annoying as hell, and i hate how the top bar is the menu bar for whatever is on top, complete waste of space up there...

what i do like about linux is it''s stable...
what i like about the mac is that it has this program that can record music stations off the web for days on end! (oh right sorry, i don''t partake in using this program)

that''s my two cents...
in my perfect world i would have a pc for windows, a pc for linux, a mac, xbox, ps2, dreamcast and 3 61" hdtv''s with a 2000 watt 5.1 surround system...but thats my dream world, and it is one which i do not live in

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