
Java Help.

Started by July 01, 2002 10:17 PM
1 comment, last by cachavez 22 years, 7 months ago
I always get this messages when I run my applet. java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:gl4java/awt/GLAnimCanvas I compile my program in this way. javac -classpath /jdk1.3/class/gl4java.jar And I have gl4java.jar file in /jdk1.3/class do I´am doing something wrong ? I apreciate your help. Carlos Chavez
You might need to set the classpath environment variable to point to the gl4java .jar file. Even though you compile it pointing to that file, the classes need to be loaded at runtime as well.

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If you dont''t want to bother with CLASSPATH put gl4java.jar
in j2sdk1.4.0/jre/lib/ext (the last gl4java recommend version 1.4). You do this in order to compile the source files. Then
copy gl4java.jar in j2re1.4.0/lib/ext to set up the runtime enviroment.

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