If theres anyway to fight money grubbers lets try
There must be some way to stop others like Hasbro from trying to make hug sums of money of of hard working developers.
I have a idea that may or may not be very good.
Perhaps a site called www.gamesonline.com
Where developers can post there games on the web for download. One option would be to have people on www.gamesonline.com be hired to handle all the destribution work which deals with sales. Such as if you made a RPG game you can set it there site (Or your own with a link) so people can download it.. But you cut www.gamesonline.com staff in for the profite becous they handle all the account stuff.
This would stop the greedy publishers from giving up 5% of sales for a game that was 100% made by us.
mayby cut the account staff working in on 7% or so of sales.
Expanded and in the future games can be set up on server access on www.gamesonline.com so games that are server based have a home
The games is bought and the money is given to the developer.. But www.gamesonline.com gets the monthly charge from players who play online.
But this still and unfortunetly means that hasbro type suits can still effect us.
I think they effect us becous we are selling the game.. SO if someoen makes a arcade type game and sells it then they have to pay hasbro
But if so then there must be alternatives to actualy Selling the game
www.gamesonline.com could set up a marketing advertising system with other companies like alot of people do.
SO basicly companies could advetise on the site and if the developer and the www.gamesonline.com split all profites made directly off advertisments off this.. (Course this means alot less money)
But there must be other ways to make some profite after you have developed a game with out actualy selling it.
March 20, 2000 11:09 AM
Original post by Renegade Artist
But there must be other ways to make some profite after you have developed a game with out actualy selling it.
This will not avoid lawsuits from Hasbro, no matter what
ingenius way you think of to make money from a game. Also,
Developers have made freeware games that have ended up in
legal action by Hasbro.
There are people who''ve made free JAVA tetris games that
have found themselves in lawsuits.
Unfortunately, there''s no way around it. :-(
It seems to me you have two different ideas in your post that are getting put into one. The idea of an online publisher/distributer to help small/indie game developers sell their games is really good. This does cut out the extreme percentages that some publishers decide to take of the profits.
However, the idea that we can all group together to prevent anybody from getting sued by another company protecting their IP rights is kinda silly. Regardless of how you feel about the Hasbro suit, a company has got to be able to protect itself from someone violating its rights. (Do not take that to imply that I feel any of the games in the Hasbro suit have done any violation. I haven''t done the research to say one way or another.)
Jesse Chounard
However, the idea that we can all group together to prevent anybody from getting sued by another company protecting their IP rights is kinda silly. Regardless of how you feel about the Hasbro suit, a company has got to be able to protect itself from someone violating its rights. (Do not take that to imply that I feel any of the games in the Hasbro suit have done any violation. I haven''t done the research to say one way or another.)
Jesse Chounard
Website - Third Party Ninjas | Twitter - twitter.com/Chounard
It realy is a sad day we live in.. Oh well
I cant beleave a free game would get in a law suit. What you gonna sue em for.. the 0% profits they made.
Oh well.. I do think the online publisher idea is worth trying for any huge company who sees it marketable
I cant beleave a free game would get in a law suit. What you gonna sue em for.. the 0% profits they made.
Oh well.. I do think the online publisher idea is worth trying for any huge company who sees it marketable
No, they won''t get sued for the 0 they made, they get sued for whatever it is the free game took out of the one you have to pay for. Not many people pay for a game when they can get a nearly identical one for free...
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