
Infinite Sky Box

Started by June 29, 2002 12:12 AM
2 comments, last by dirtypope 22 years, 8 months ago
k i want to make a sky box for a level system that is basically endless, which would be the best way to make this sky box... the only way i can think of would be make a box arround the camera with full alpha blending on it, so that everything shows through it except well, the sky... is there a better way of doing this, and will my way even work?
Theres no such thing as stupid people... only people with under clocked brains. -dirty
Turn off any fog, then center the skybox on the player and draw everything over it.

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In order to make everything else appear closer than the skybox (ie the skybox is infinitely far away), draw the skybox FIRST with depth writes disabled (glDepthMask(GL_FALSE)), then re-enable depth writes and draw the rest of your scene (glDepthMask(GL_TRUE))

Is that what you needed? Hope so...

[edited by - Bad Monkey on June 29, 2002 3:19:48 AM]
You must *always* center the skybox on the camera''s position, else you''ll get visual artifacts and the skybox "illusion" is gone.......
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