
How many Opengl LISTS may be created?

Started by June 25, 2002 05:22 AM
5 comments, last by z0rr0 22 years, 8 months ago
How many lists is possible to create? And creating a list costs some RAM or VRAM ??? Please explain.
- You know you''re out of memory for display lists when glError() is set to GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY after you try to compile a display list.

- Display lists are part of the server state. Make of that what you will.

Test suggestion : disable the virtual memory system, malloc() and increasing number of large memory chunks, counting each time how many lists you can create.

If that number varies, it''s in RAM. If not it''s either in video RAM or the test was inadequate.

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Dont quote me but I think the maximum number of creatable display lists is 32768

Am I right, NeHe forum visitors?

The OpenGL specs do not define a limit to the number of display lists. The only two limits would be available system resources and the size of the display list identifier (which limits you to a max. of 232-1, highly improbable you'll ever hit that limit ).

In practice, DLs will be stored in VRAM whenever possible. If you run out of video memory, a good driver will fallback to system RAM. If you get low on resources there, an OUT_OF_MEMORY error will be generated. Be aware of the fact, that a system RAM fallback will cause a performance drop (DLs in VRAM are a *lot* faster). VRAM is a precious resource, so don't be too wasteful with DLs.

/ Yann

[edited by - Yann L on June 25, 2002 6:48:21 AM]
So, it is VRAM ?
Ok, who will tell me how to determine how much video memory i have/left etc.

So, it is VRAM ?

Yes, on modern 3D cards it is.


Ok, who will tell me how to determine how much video memory i have/left etc.

You can''t. That''s against the OpenGL design philosophy. Onboard memory management is fully handled by the driver, you cannot interfere.

/ Yann
I can''t believe that there is no API function to know how much system or video memory have left.

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