Just to ask what you guys think about this story
Part 1
We see the highway, going really fast, from a top view, then a red Ferrari car arrives
into the scene, the camera follows it from the back. The perspective change, we see that
an Apache combat helicopter with two chainguns and laser guides missiles is following
the Ferrari and getting closer to it. Perspective change again, we see the bottom of the
face of the man who is driving the Ferrari (the Man in Blue), he makes a light smile and
gets his hand on the speed control, shifting to the highest speed. The ferrari accelerates
drastically and the helicopter does too.
The car is approaching a tunnel in a mountain about 1 mile away, the copter tries to shoot
some missiles at the Ferrari (we see the driver pressing the red button on a joystick).
About 5 missiles are launched very fast, in about 1.2 seconds. The Ferrari enters the
tunnel just before the missiles destroy the entry, we see a burst of flames coming out.
The helicopter is forced to change trajectory to avoid the mountain. He goes on the other
side and starts following the ferrari again.
The highway is now getting into the city, the camera slows down and we see the Ferrari
getting in the city as well as the copter trying to catch it again. We now see a sniper
on the top of a building alternating with the view of the Ferrari dodging missiles, the
sniper is assembling and loading his rifle. The sniper then takes the rifle in his hands
and aims at something, we dont know what it is, in fact he is aiming at the helicopter
driver, he shoots him and we slowly see the copter crash in front of the ferrari and then
blowing up. The Ferrari jumps out of the flames, undamaged and victorious. The picture stops and the screen slowly
fades away to black.
Part 2
The Man in Blue is walking on the street holding a briefcase. Two agents (Matrix looking)
are following him from a good distance, one of them looks at the other and says "We got
''im". The 2ND agent puts his right hand on his earphone and nods. The Man in Blue enters
a public shopping building, he starts talking to some weird guy with black sunglasses
who seems to exchange something with him, the agents are watching the scene from a good
The Man in Blue then goes in an elevator, the agents check at what level he goes by the
display at the top of the elevator door, they go into another elevator. That level is
an underground parking, the Man in Blue is actually opening the door of a car (A Black
Mercedes Benz). The agents ask him to put his hands in the air and turn around, he starts
running away and enter into a door with "maintainance" written on it, inside the door
there is a long tunnel with pipes and wires on the ceiling. The agents follow him running,
one of em takes out his gun and starts shooting, the 2ND one does the same but they
miss him (obviously). The Man in Blue is then trapped as he is trying to open another
door at the end of the tunnel.
The agents say with a strong but stressed voice "Turn around, and drop your gun",
the Man in Blue turns around but doesnt drop the gun, the agents repeat "DROP THE GUN,
NOW" with an aggressive voice this time, the Man in Blue obeys but then presses a button on
the handle of his briefcase, the two side panels pop off and the handle of the briefcase
turn out to be the handle of a big ass (TM) machinegun, the Man in Blue takes it in his
hands very fast and starts shooting like mad. The picture stops and the screen slowly
fades away to black.
"Being mortal is what makes us capable of the impossible"
- Akira Toriyama.
Live each day like it is your last because that way you''ll eventually be right.
"Being mortal is what makes us capable of the impossible"- Akira Toriyama.www.xgameproject.comLive each day like it is your last because that way you'll eventually be right.
That''s very cool! It''s not really a story though, more an outline for a introductory cutscene. Is this to be the start sequence for a game?
June 23, 2002 06:37 PM
Is john carmack driving the ferrari?:D:D
now i´m reading the second part.
now i´m reading the second part.
Original post by Springcoil
The perspective change, we see that an Apache combat helicopter with two chainguns and laser guides missiles is following the Ferrari and getting closer to it.
A small note, the Apache does not have two guns, only one.
Yes this is the opening sequence I am sorry for not being an expert on apache helicopters
"Being mortal is what makes us capable of the impossible"
- Akira Toriyama.
Live each day like it is your last because that way you''ll eventually be right.
"Being mortal is what makes us capable of the impossible"
- Akira Toriyama.
Live each day like it is your last because that way you''ll eventually be right.
"Being mortal is what makes us capable of the impossible"- Akira Toriyama.www.xgameproject.comLive each day like it is your last because that way you'll eventually be right.
I like.
As already mentioned, it''s a great cinematic sequence... but not really a story. The first one in particular is good - you could build up the tension a little more by trying to make the viewer think that the sniper is going to shoot at the Ferrari. Also, you might want to have the copter coming down behind the Ferrari - otherwise the car isn''t just driving thorough an explosion, it''s driving through a helicopter. If it comes down behind, the explosion can still envelop the Ferrari, but you''re not driving through solid objects.
The second part certainly raises my curiosity. Who is this man? Why are the agents persuing him? Who is the weird guy with the dark glasses? You might want to try and answer a couple of the questions you raise, otherwise you risk the reader just feeling confused. Giving hints about what is going to happen is a great way to build tension and suspense for the viewer.
- saving pigs from untimely fates
- sleeps in a ham-mock at www.thebinaryrefinery.cjb.net
As already mentioned, it''s a great cinematic sequence... but not really a story. The first one in particular is good - you could build up the tension a little more by trying to make the viewer think that the sniper is going to shoot at the Ferrari. Also, you might want to have the copter coming down behind the Ferrari - otherwise the car isn''t just driving thorough an explosion, it''s driving through a helicopter. If it comes down behind, the explosion can still envelop the Ferrari, but you''re not driving through solid objects.

The second part certainly raises my curiosity. Who is this man? Why are the agents persuing him? Who is the weird guy with the dark glasses? You might want to try and answer a couple of the questions you raise, otherwise you risk the reader just feeling confused. Giving hints about what is going to happen is a great way to build tension and suspense for the viewer.
- saving pigs from untimely fates
- sleeps in a ham-mock at www.thebinaryrefinery.cjb.net
Richard "Superpig" Fine - saving pigs from untimely fates - Microsoft DirectX MVP 2006/2007/2008/2009
"Shaders are not meant to do everything. Of course you can try to use it for everything, but it's like playing football using cabbage." - MickeyMouse
Sounds good!
The Man in Blue is probably Bill Gates trying to flood the market with mor Winows products, the agents probably belong to some non-profit organisation!
The Man in Blue is probably Bill Gates trying to flood the market with mor Winows products, the agents probably belong to some non-profit organisation!

"Though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death, iwill fear no evil, for i am the meanest motherfucker in the valley."
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