
Are sims games?

Started by June 21, 2002 07:25 AM
12 comments, last by Dauntless 22 years, 3 months ago
"Are sims games?"

Does it matter?

Consumers will probably buy and play your product no matter what you call it as long as you make it fun.
Try out
Sims are toys, if you absolutely must make a distinction. This doesn''t apply to common misnomers like "sports sim" or "strategy sim."
A game is per definition a simulation or an abstraction of a simulation of real life events. It trains you, in a safe environment, the skills that are important in real life in a non-safe environment. Therefore, 'play' has an aura that is very attractive because it's just a game but hence it can learn you a lot and therefore its 'fun'.

Such as for instance lion youngs 'playing' with each other but actually learning how to use their muscles and learning certain techniques. Or human beings 'playing' an fps but actually learning (depending on the accuracy of the simulation) how to shoot, hide, the different feels and effects of the different guns, some team organization, etc. Or checkers, learning how to intimidate your oponent through psychological warfare and learning how to plan certain moves and misguide the opponent.
Apart from the actual simulation that learns you certain things you learn in general how to 'win', how not to lose, and if necesary how to cope with loss.

So are sims games? Yes, certainly. Are storyline guided interactive entertainment games? Not in the original definition of the word 'play' and 'game' though they do exist as a genre and are worthwhile to persue. (Though not by me)
All interactive entertainment is called 'computer games' as the medium is quite new. However I think the first thing to look at when describing a genre is this element, is it storyline or simulation based?

-- MarcDM

[edited by - MarcDM on November 22, 2002 11:59:18 PM]
I'm in the middle of a start-up. We are planing to go online soon with our concept and are in the search for talented motivated enthousiastic programmers!

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