
Your favorite game story

Started by June 18, 2002 08:53 PM
74 comments, last by llvllatrix 22 years, 7 months ago
Alot of the ff games borrow from eachother. Or at least other games have borrowed from them. The second in command taking control, dividing the game into pre and post cataclysmic sections, rebellions, party members you have to fight first... ...cid.
Ah yes, the cid constant. Is he not in the spirits within(the final fantasy movie) as well?
It would have to be
1. Dawn of the Dead
2. Night of the Living Dead
3. Evil Dead
4. More of the Dead (not an actuall title .. he he)

Now kidding aside. Someone pointed out "Out of this World", ahh I enjoyed playing it back in '91 (I think?), it was a very unique game.
But If I had to choose one game it would have to be "Ultima Underworld" without a question ... now this game brings back memories ... (for anyone interested you can get a demo from, or through www.ttlg website)

[edited by - csDraco_ on July 1, 2002 12:26:19 PM]

...... damn... and a great game too!
bobble bobble hehehe jks

Starcraft, Have a read of the story history if you own a copy (back of the manual)

Starcraft terran campaign, kinda isnt any story after that

-Genesis Shadowrun (Many times better than the SNES one, thankyouverymuch)
-Dragon Quest 5 (You''re not the hero. Your kid is! When have you ever seen that before?)
-Final Fantasy 6
-Wizardry 9

That''s a quickie list.
Starcraft and the Metal Gear Games

FreeSpace 2

Metal Gear series have really amazing story..

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