Raiding Zone: Sludge Madness

posted in Raiding.Zone Devlog for project Raiding.Zone
Published April 01, 2023

I’m glad to announce that I got another level done. This time you are in the library of an evil alchemist. He summoned an army of goos. Can you defeat their condemned spirit?

The fight is quite intense. There are a lot of area effects are avoidable. In the video, I had to drag the bots a lot of time to move them out. You get to see the healer gameplay for the first time.
I added the Urikas healing weapon. You can simultaneously damage the enemy with your spells. I had to kill the goos myself because the bots won’t to it. They are too dumb to target anything other than the boss.


Urikas is the weapon of a priest. You can bless your allies, granting them damage reduction. Additionaly blessed targets will also receive effects from your other abilties. Mend will also heal blessed targets for half the amount. If you Smite the enemy, then all blessed targets receive a shield.

The next and last level to migrate will be the Firebound Forge.

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Please release this in Early-Access soon!

April 01, 2023 10:50 AM

@NuclearLemon I'm intending to do so in 1-2 Months. There is still another level and lots of polishing to make ?

April 01, 2023 12:08 PM

Hi there - question when will you think about making your game's website?

April 04, 2023 05:06 AM

Hey @Fungies that is a really good question. Currently my focus is on migrating everything into 3D. After that I have to check if the game still runs smoothly in WebGL. If that is the case I will use the​ domain for serving the online version. If not I will probably use it as a product page. There is also a wiki (​ and the blog (​ available.

April 04, 2023 07:10 AM
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