- a 3 part series that provides an overview of the backend implementations of sokol_gfx for the OpenGL, D3D11 and Metal implementation

- Nvidia added support to the DirectX Shader Compiler (DXR) to generate SPIR-V that is valid to be used with the Vulkan SPV_NV_ray_tracing extension
- the article shows an example and explains how concepts are mapped to SPIR-V

- the article presents an overview of techniques to optimize pixel shaders
- starting with techniques to make sure that pixel shaders are only run if necessary and offers several methods to reduce the cost of pixel shaders afterward

- the author presents how shooting stars in the Witcher 3 are implemented
- show the vertex and pixel shader implementation

- the in-depth article presents the physical models and approximations of participating media (such as fog, water)
- presents constant, linear and exponential fog implementations
- extends these solutions to express atmospheres and provides approximations for numerical approaches

- the newest part in article series about defining a data-driven rendering pipeline
- focusing on the definition of a render pipeline
- a simplified version of a RenderGraph/FrameGraph system
- build around render targets as central primitive

- the Unity tutorial explains how to implement a stylized Eyeball Shader using Unity Shader Graph

- presents an approach to render particle effects using compute shaders
- the primary focus is optimization for tiny, pixel-sized particles that are additively blended
- lacking support of atomic on floats requires float->int->float conversions in the shader and how this influences the final implementation

- the results from the Vulkan survey have been released
- contains comments, and what are the next steps that are taken to address the feedback

- the article presents how to implement a Path Tracer using the Unity Data-Oriented Technology Stack (DOTS)

- the article describes how to deal with device orientation changes in a Vulkan application efficiently
- describes how to query the information from the system, recreate Vulkan objects and necessary modifications to shader code

Thanks to Cort Stratton for support of this series.
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