Spells + Spell Editor, part 2

Published November 21, 2019

There has been a lot of work on the spells system and editor, and I would like to share with you the progress of these last weeks regarding spells.

On the previous video, I could show a few simple spells, like a fireball, charge, heal. But it didn't have targeting rules, so all spells required a target. Also, I could not choose what sounds to use for the spells, which is essential for feedback and player experience: I press a spell and immediately I hear sounds and see the animation going off.

I can now also choose rules for target. It can require a target, or a location, it can be on units or items, friendly or enemy, party, raid, and a lot more. This makes the spell system really flexible, and the job of creating and managing spells is a lot simpler.

So here is the video, let me know what you think.


And in case you missed it, here is the first part:

See you on the next blog post.


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