What's in for 2019? - ACE Team

Published December 19, 2018

We'd like to start this blog post by first apologizing to everyone for the obvious lack of news with regards to upcoming or in-development projects at ACE Team. We usually have announcements within a reasonable time frame from our last release, but it just happens that 2018 flew past us and we were not ready to share anything yet.


The exciting news is that behind the curtains we've had an extremely busy year, and this will translate in to a lot of things to show in 2019. I'm pretty sure a lot of people will be surprised as we reveal what we've been up to since Rock of Ages 2. 2018 is perhaps the busiest we've ever been, and it'll definitely show next year.


We can't say what we're working on yet, but we can share some specifics: The studio is currently finishing a new title, deep in development of a second title, and starting to work on a new project. That's 3 different projects – all which will most likely be announced next year. So the bright side is that 2019 will be full of surprises.


We think we owe our community more involvement in the developments of our studio, so moving forward we will start to share more about what is happening and where the studio is headed.

We'd also like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Hopefully this was a great year for everyone.


ACE Team


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