A Windows Store Story - Part #4

posted in New New Things
Published January 20, 2018

Three weeks have passed, a few new people have installed the game. I had the chance to deploy the game also to juniors x86 tablet, where it currently crashes. The tablet does have a gyro sensor, which I thought worked fine when using it on Windows Phone, but apparently the code isn't crash proof enough.

I've been looking mostly for crashes now, and a handful (well, two in the last 3 days) did appear. The crash info is all over the place. Some have a really great stack trace, other nothing. Some seem to be in between. I reckon this is heavily affected by fiddling with telemetry settings. 

What I'm also missing on a first glance is the configuration of the crashed app. Since the compile builds executables for x86, x64 and ARM it'd be nice to know which of these were the cause. What's always there is the name, IP, Windows build version and device type of the device that was running the game.

While the stack traces sometimes help they are only that. You don't get a full dump or local watch info. So you can get lucky and the location of the problem is clear, or you're out of luck. In these last two crashes the stack traces hints on a null pointer on a method that is used throughout the game (GUI displaying a texture section). I suspect that it happens during startup and the code path went inside a function when it wasn't ready. In these cases I can only add a safety check and cleanly jump out of the function. Build, upload, re-certify and next try in 1 to 3 days.


Currently I'm struggling getting remote debugging done on the tablet. I can deploy the app via enabled web portal, but the remote debugger is not properly recognized by Visual Studio. I was hoping for USB debugging as that works nicely on the phone, but had no luck with it.


Well, here's to the next version hoping to get those crashes fixed!


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