Woa V Day 4

posted in PizzaFest Blog
Published August 10, 2017

The middle of the competition, what a great time to modify the game mechanics!

Take a look:

The biggest thing we added today is the day/ night cycle and the spaceships that capture humans (during the day). The humans are supposes to heal the castle form the damage it received during the night. We also modified the score method. Now the score represents the number of nights you survived. We also changed minor things like the sky and assets. We added a pause menu and a high score system. We also added some trees.

Our artists provided us some assets but at the time this post is written, we haven't implemented them.

Game Download link: https://mega.nz/#!Px0QnJIL!XWXN-ALRxadFY6ByQlferEQZqDsLP1pqTbocUgxsjsc

As always, thanks for reading!

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3 likes 1 comments


Scouting Ninja

The video isn't showing for me. I tried the game.

I really like the shading in the game, especially the moon and the castle. I also like how the ships protect the aliens from harm, it allowed a few to creep up to the castle.

One thing I would recommend is boosting the amount each waves difficulty increase at, it took a few waves before I started needing to care about saving the workers. However the weak first wave gave me a chance to test controls.

Very nice game as is already.

August 10, 2017 09:39 PM
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