Magic Item Tech, news.

Published November 04, 2016

Hi there!

Only a handful of tiny news this time about Magic Item Tech.


Now my game development blog and contact information can be reached at:
I've reserved this domain long ago, but forgot about it a little. Now it's set up to forward to my blog and feels a tad bit more professional. I'm already working on beefing up the graphics design of the site and preparing to have a newsletter service too for upcoming blog entries and game development news.

Unified Theory not ready for Alpha

I'm preparing for the alpha release of the game, but it still needs a week worth of tasks to be done + some accompanying materials need to be created and organized to be ready (e.g.: a feedback form, some marketing media, maybe analytics too ?!). If you've already been expecting the open alpha, I'm sorry. I really don't want to rush it, since I would like to get feedback about the design and overall feeling of the game, instead of reports about minor bugs, glitches and the incompleteness of the user interface. So probably another week of extra work it is...

Operation KREEP let's play

James Kacer and his friends tried out Operation KREEP and they had a blast. So they made a let's play video about it, for which I'm extremely thankful. This is the first let's play of the game (at least the first one I know of), so I watched it with great excitement and it seemed they had fun while playing + I had fun while watching it, so I'm super happy about it!!!
Here it is for you to enjoy:

Hooray for James and his friends!

Operation KREEP 1.2 update plan

I really wanted to put some minor extras into the game for a long time now, but due to the prolonged development of the Steam release I didn't want to work on it (took too long and got pretty tired of it the last time). I decided to give it another try, but only make an extremely small patch. The design doc is ready and it is indeed humble. It will only take a few days of work (a week at maximum) with marketing and release, so no overtime, no delays, only a tiny update under a week during this month. Due to its scale constraint it will be more of a marketing experiment than a huge update like the 1.1 version, but a few new cool stuff will find its way into the game. Will see how it turns out.

That's all folks this time.
Take care!

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I would be interested in how much the YouTube video helped your sells.

December 15, 2016 03:08 PM

Hi Navyman,

To be honest my sales are really not worth mentioning. I wrote a postmortem kind-a thing some time ago detailing the situation. Just the usual story happening with many greenhorn game dev like me: getting on Steam does not equal any sales. So nor my existing sale numbers nor the numbers after a let's play are significant enough to draw any conclusions.

The guys who made the let's play video have a youtube channel with a small subscriber base. The video had less than a 100 views so far. It is still the first let's play of a game I made + they were super kind and seemed to have genuine fun while playing, so this feeling was extremely exhilarating. I wanted to share it :) !

I'm planning to write a post related to sales/promotions etc. though in January or February, since KREEP has been on Steam for almost 6 months now (and released more than a year ago!). Nothing extraordinary, sort of like a recap.

December 18, 2016 08:32 PM
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