Week of Awesome I V - Day 5

posted in New New Things
Published August 12, 2016

Finally it starts to feel like a game. It's not particularely challenging, but a little bit of puzzly goodness is hidden inside.

Anyhow, today I chose some music (incompetech.com has some really good stuff, provided you credit him properly)
So todays screenshot finally shows something different, my current credits :)

Tomorrow I'll see to put a test version up in the hopes a few people test^H^H^Hcheck it out and leave valuable feedback. The worst thing that could happen after the final upload: Crashes everywhere but on your own place.
Also, if 5 people say a specific event or sound effect is annoying, chances are high they are right. Listen!

Never forgot, credits where credits are due!


2 likes 1 comments



Ooh, thank you for the link to Incompetech--while I don't intend to use it for this competition, it looks as though it may be a very useful resource! ^_^

I'm glad that your game is starting to shape up; good luck with the prototype! ^_^

August 13, 2016 02:18 PM
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