Week Of Awesome I V - Day 4

posted in New New Things
Published August 11, 2016

Somehow my screen shots all look alike :)

Added ways to die, change levels, a new device and finally ways to die.
As new graphical feature walls now bring an implicit shadow with them which makes them stand out more.

Also started on a graphic overhaul. Due to the time limit of 7 days you can actually have a second go on the graphics (unlike Ludum Dare). One thing common with restricted compos is, that you need to be even more careful about "I'll do that later". Chances are you won't.

Over the course of the next days I need to build a few challenging stages, currently the ruins feel rather bland.

What could this wondrous thing protected by spikes be?


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The new textures are great, it's looking like a polished game now! Nice job!

August 12, 2016 02:05 AM
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