Week Of Awesome I V - Day 3

posted in New New Things
Published August 10, 2016

Day 3 has passed and I couldn't do as much as I thought. Anyhow, I added the obligatory keys and doors.

The game play has somewhat changed as in you need to keep your lamp lit. Burning torches are your only safe spots. You can light unlit ones to keep advancing. Once your lamp is out and no light is nearby, the shadows are advancing towards you...

Also, especially neat, I'm going for some nice atmospheric feel of abandonment and dread. It's surprising how good a few step sounds plus distant background effects can work.

Looks like this game will require quite a few scripted events; I'm thinking about cheap ways to trigger events without creating a complex editor. I'll probably hard code them in.

Generally the code is currently surprising clean. Only today I started to add the one or other quick hack (like cheat keys).

I need to work on the graphic variety too, currently the ruins look too much alike. Could be because I've only got 10 different tiles currently.

Here's the player nearing an unlit torch beneath one just lit. What might be lurking in the darkness beyond?


2 likes 2 comments



It's looking cool and I like the sound of gameplay that you're teasing at here!

August 10, 2016 08:14 PM

I'm intrigued, based on your description thus far! ^_^

Also, especially neat, I'm going for some nice atmospheric feel of abandonment and dread. It's surprising how good a few step sounds plus distant background effects can work.

I like the, well, sound of this; a sparse soundscape with appropriate sound effects can be rather effective, I think.

(I'm currently planning something similar for my own game, as it happens.)

Looks like this game will require quite a few scripted events; I'm thinking about cheap ways to trigger events without creating a complex editor. I'll probably hard code them in.

In a jam like this, I'm inclined to support hard-coding: time is short!

August 11, 2016 12:16 AM
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