Day 3 - Art Upgrades From A Certain Perspective

Published August 10, 2016

I didn't have much time today, so I decided to gradually update the graphics rather than implement new features. Most of this stuff are simple blender models, with minimal effort. (Most of the work was getting them to fit into the frame). The new grass texture is actually a photo of grass, blurred, picked, and posterized into unrecognizability.

I still don't like the new citizen's eyes. I still fail to strike the balance between the eyes being invisible, and therefore creepy, or to big and bright, and therefore creepy. I think the citizens should be somewhat sympathetic, to motivate the player more, and increase the immersion. I guess I will just use my experience with making citizens creepy on the zombies.

In terms of programming, a fixed a bug where building could be built on top of each other, and also added a fix so you can't place citizens on top of building or each other. This is to prevent a strategy where you part all your citizens on top of each other on a spike pit, and do easy double damage, or even put multiple spike pits on top of each other.

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Servant of the Lord

I still don't like the new citizen's eyes. I still fail to strike the balance between the eyes being invisible, and therefore creepy, or to big and bright, and therefore creepy.

I'd suggest trying soft blue eyes on the citizens - it'll make it seem alot less creepy.


August 10, 2016 11:36 PM

Or bigger and higher up, maybe it's the face shape.. worth experimenting with.


August 11, 2016 11:03 AM

I find that having eyes stretch vertically tends to yield better results at this level of detail. Most of the pixel art character that are recognizable did something similar (also pay close attention to what treatment was given to the Bahamut Lagoon characters, though the eyes are square, the colors matter a lot, and they're not what you'd expect when zooming in).

Was your intent to have the grass show as rows? if so, it's working great, otherwise, might want to ease the lighting discrepancy between top and bottom to ease it in a bit.

Best of luck!

August 13, 2016 01:41 AM

I would suggest making your grass texture seamless. This is pretty simple using Gimp(and I am assuming adobe ps if you have it). Shift the texture 50% both on the x and y, use the clone tool to blend the edges(getting rid of the cross from shifting), shift back. Gives pretty good results.

August 15, 2016 08:57 PM
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