Woa Iv Day 2

posted in PizzaFest Blog
Published August 09, 2016

Hey, guys!

This is the progress I've made today:

I've added gravestones and trees to make the scene look more natural.
I've fixed the camera movement (in the video is not so clear but in gameplay it's definitively a difference).
I've made the camera to point to the closest skull when the player is not moving the camera.
I've added background music.
I've made the main skull look at the closest skulls and the skulls from the tail to look at the skull in front of them.

Tomorrow I'm planning to add more sounds and also add shadows that eat the skulls in front of the graves so that it's harder for the player to catch them.

Previous Entry Woa Iv Day 1
Next Entry Woa Iv Day 3
1 likes 2 comments


looking good silviu, don't forget to link these blog entries into the competition thread!
August 09, 2016 10:10 PM

looking good silviu, don't forget to link these blog entries into the competition thread!

Oh, I didn't know i have to do that, sorry

August 10, 2016 06:48 PM
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