Spellbound is up for voting on Steam Greenlight

Published February 12, 2016

Double post day!!!

I rushed ahead of myself and just published Spellbound on steam greenlight. Yikes. I wanted to do a 2 minute game play trailer video, but I suddenly decided that the 8 minute reactions video is sufficient. The first 30 seconds of the video are sufficient to generate curiosity, the middle portion of the video shows the game play and the excitement, and the last part of the video is genuinely compelling testimony from the people who played the game. My better sense of judgement says that people have a 2 minute attention span so I should aim for an equivalent video length, but this gameplay and reaction video was just too good to pass up.

I'm feeling both nervous and excited at the same time. The game isn't 100% complete. There are some bugs, and you can see them if you look for them in the video (they've been fixed). But, my calculations indicate that if it takes me two months to get greenlit (assuming I succeed), and my release date needs to be in two months, then I absolutely have to start my green light campaign as soon as possible. There is no more waiting longer to grease the wheels.

I'll let you guys know how everything goes. But for the time being, fingers crossed!

8 likes 3 comments



You have my vote!

February 13, 2016 01:14 AM
Best of luck. Your reaction video was really cool by the way :)
February 13, 2016 07:53 AM

Good luck man! I voted. :D

February 15, 2016 03:28 AM
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