Week of Awesome III Part #5

posted in New New Things
Published August 14, 2015
More features, and ironed out a few bugs with switches. It's a good time to get the gameplay bug free now :)

And creating the preview forced me to wrap the package up once, which is a good test by itself.

So here's a preview with 3 stages (mere tutorials): http://www.georg-rottensteiner.de/webmisc/WoA3 - Endurion - Bunny Hop Preview.zip

No Bunny Hop without hopping
3 likes 3 comments



Hey man, I think I'm dumb, but I did not know what to do next...



August 14, 2015 04:35 PM

You're fast with that jumps :)

You need to stay on the green button until it's completely down.

I just noticed that I uploaded the wrong version with a non solvable stage. Yay me, sorry for that! Sorry about that, please re-download!

August 14, 2015 05:14 PM
very nice endurion, it runs quite well here(win 10, r290). I enjoy the blood and cuteness/gory combination. controls are pretty smooth as well. I didn't run into any bugs, but i do wonder what aspects of death are useful to you? can't wait to see the final version!
August 14, 2015 10:34 PM
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