Week of Awesome III coming up

posted in New New Things
Published June 04, 2015
In the later times I've come to write more and more games for C64 and my PC development got less and less. I do love me my little peaks in the form of competitions, like Ludum Dare, or GameDev's Week of Awesome.

How to prepare?
Decide which engine/libraries to use. Usually you have your favourite library about, but do you still remember all the little details? Maybe some base code changed and things don't work out of the box anymore?

Set up an empty project that opens up a window and sets up everything. Run it and be ready...

Interested? The competition thread is over here: https://www.gamedev.net/topic/668847-the-week-of-awesome-iii-the-third-annual-unofficial-gamedevnet-competition-administration-thread/
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